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Nearly There!!


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  • Nearly There!!

    I went round to look at the plot I am hoping to hear about later this month - the plot holder has still not been in touch, and now only has until Wednesday to come and do some serious work on their patch before the next plot inspection in a week's time, after which they will be asked to return their keys within a fortnight.

    I am down for 3/4 of the plot - I can't wait to hear, I just hope that the existing plot holder doesn't have a last-minute change of heart.

    One quarter has a raised pond in it that was put in by the current plot holder - not of much interest to me, to be honest, but the allotment secretary thinks that the person above me on the waiting list only wants a quarter of a plot, and would prefer that quarter - not really sure why unless they were wanting to make an ornamental - type garden?

    The weeds and grass are about knee high at the moment, but one of the plotholders told me it is likely to be strimmed off for us if we get it, which would be nice.

    There is so much I want to do that I don't know where to start, but I think the first thing to do is to get the whole thing rotivated and leveled, check out which way the land slopes and sort out the best positioning for a shed and poly tunnel/greenhouse.

    Once the infrastructure is in place I can then get on with the fun bit of actually growing something.

    Wish me luck

    Andy Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update

  • #2
    Beware Mr rotorvater. He and mr couchgrass just don't get on!

    Loving my allotment!


    • #3
      Step away from the rotavator, you will only make your weed problems much worse


      • #4
        Definitely forget about the rotavator. They are great for turning over compacted soil that is relatively weed free but if used on a weedy area they will chop up nasties such as couch grass, bindweed and mares tail and multiply your problem a thousand fold!


        • #5
          Best of luck Andi. I'd skip the rotovator too. If it's been 'strimmed' then you could cover it with plastic/cardboad/paper, while you look at the lie of the land etc. The weeds will at least settle down while you are sorting yourself out.

          My blog:

          Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

          One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

          Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


          • #6
            Hi All

            Thanks for the advice re. the rotivator, but as I have back problems and my allotment partner is my 83 year old stepdad then any sustained digging is out - I can do about 30 mins at a time with a long rest inbetween - stepdad can't do any.

            I do realise that it will chop up weeds and make things worse, but the plan is to rotivate and then cover with mulch/weed suppressing fabric until I am ready to start working on each bed. I will probably get some potatoes in to help break up the ground and also give foliage cover to aid in suppressing the weeds.

            Any major weed problems could be sorted out piecemeal but at least the ground will have been broken up a bit first, and I can deal with the 'nasty' weeds as and when I need to while doing the final preparations before planting.

            Like I said, all this is purely theory, but from extensive reading on the internet and forums like this I have to go with the lesser of two evils - spread a few weeds to be dealt with later or wreck my back and give up because I can't bend over at all to tend the small area I have managed to dig over.

            Having been laid up for four weeks because of my back before, I know what I would prefer

   Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


            • #7
              Good luck Andy - we took over a 5 rod plot at the beginning of April - rotovating has turned out OK with us. I doubt we could have dug it over by hand in time to plant stuff out given time restraints, physical health etc.. As I have lower back problems I have found a nice pair of gel filled kneelers. We also purchased a new hoe and so far we have been keeping the weeds at bay by hand weeding and hoeing and also mulching. We also have some of the area covered in black plastic and are uncovering as we plant. Fingers crossed for you.
              A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows


              • #8
                Why not have a good look at the weeds on the plot before they are strimmed? It will give an idea of whether they are annual weeds (that you can pull out) or more persistent weeds that may need a tougher stance. You can then tailor your approach to suit the problem. Once strimmed you won't have a clue what was there so you'll use a belt and braces method!


                • #9
                  Hi veggie

                  I have had a look round the plot a couple of times now - there is a small amount of mares tail, and I have been told there is couch grass under the two foot high grass.

                  Not much bindweeed apparently - but at least I can recognise that now

                  The current plot holder has dug it all over a couple of times whilst they have had it, and even constructed a small raised pond in one corner so the ground isn't completely untouched.

                  I just want to get on with it now - I have only been on the list for a few weeks but I am getting impatient now D-Day is looming I don't know how people cope with being on waiting lists for years!

         Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


                  • #10
                    If it has been regularly dug you should be ok. Couch grass can be pulled out fairly easily without digging so long as you do it as and when you see it and don't let it take over. Mares tail is there forever anyway, we find that just pulling it out by hand wherever it appears, keeps on top of the problem and isn't too strenuous. I don't know anyone who has managed to eliminate it completely but some people swear by sticking it in water when they pull it out and then after a couple of months using the water on their onions to help avoid onion rot. I have no idea whether this works but it's nice to think it can serve some purpose.
                    Good luck with it all. I'm sure you'll get lots of pleasure from it.


                    • #11
                      Hi Incy

                      I didn't say it had been regularly dug - as far as I know it has been dug once, perhaps twice in a year but before that was regularly mowed by the council as it used to be a children's play area, so I am hoping that any of the nasty weeds will have been kept relatively under control.

                      The plan is to hand weed the couch grass, mares tail and bindweed as and when we find it growing through again after rotivation, with plenty of hoe-ing when a bed has been planted up.

                      I have lots of theory running around in my head right now - i just need to get out there and put it into practice to see what works and what doesn't.

             Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


                      • #12
                        It was a children's play area in the 70s and then was not maintained by the council after vandalism.
                        It was all cleared December 2010 - and this photo was taken early spring 2011 before we'd got the site officially.
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          I am hoping for some good news tomorrow - that is the deadline set for the current plot holder to do some work on their plot - after that there will be a plot inspection and then they will have 14 days in which to return the keys or appeal the decision.

                          On the pic posted by alldigging the plot I am hoping to get is to the right of the road furthest away from the camera.

                          The section right at the top of the allotment has been set up as the allotment orchard, and the triangle to the right (in front of the garages over the fence) is going to be a wildlife garden complete with pond.

                          Sounds fantastic, doesn't it?

                          Got all sorts of plans for it - it will be interesting to see how many actually work,

                 Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


                          • #14
                            Fingers crossed for you Andy! You and Alldigging will make a good team


                            • #15
                              Have you not looked into the no dig method?


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