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  • #16
    Originally posted by taff View Post
    Have you not looked into the no dig method?
    Hi Taff

    Yes, I have and I fully intend to use that method as much as possible once the plot is ready for planting.

    But I am also impatient and want to get on, so I think I will still rotivate at first to get a fine crumb to the soil (or as fine as I can manage) so I can get plenty of late crops in.

    After that I really dont want to do an awful lot of digging - my back just won't take it.

    I intend on planting crops that will assist me in breaking up the soil and making it hard for weeds to thrive (potatoes) and ones that need little maintenance apart from watering once that have become established (pumpkin, peas/beans).

    Once I have a bit of confidence and have come to know my plot a bit better then I may start to become more adventurous with my planting.

    That's the plan, anyway, but as we all know, no plan survives contact with the enemy!

    Andy Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


    • #17
      Originally posted by Samurailord View Post
      IThe weeds and grass are about knee high at the moment, Andy
      Knee high, thats nothing you ought to see mine, they're poking through the roof of a six foot high greenhouse. Seems like you have the same challenges ahead of you as me. I'm sure we'll both enjoy it and this time next year we'll sit back and know that the hard work was all worthwhile.
      Built for comfort, not speed!


      • #18
        Originally posted by alldigging View Post
        [ATTACH=CONFIG]30175[/ATTACH]It was a children's play area in the 70s and then was not maintained by the council after vandalism.
        It was all cleared December 2010 - and this photo was taken early spring 2011 before we'd got the site officially.
        WOW! Plot envy ......
        T x

        Crikey it's chilli in here. Let's turnip the heat


        • #19
          Well, the deadline has come and gone, and up to the night before the Allotment Secretary hadn't had any contact from the existing plot holder, so I guess, that apart from a two week window for them to come and remove anything of theirs I have 3/4 of a plot starting from next month!

          To be honest, there wasn't much left on the plot for them to remove - I have fallen over a wheelbarrow hidden under the grass, there is a small tool store on there somewhere, but it wasn't stable enough and was blown down some time back and has been mostly swamped by grasses.

          There is a raised pond in one corner, a single tree planted on the opposite side, and I have been told there is also some rhubarb somewhere. Oh, and there is a single dalek too.

          Just waiting to get the official word, but planning and sowing like mad at home so I will have something to go into the ground as soon as I can get a tiny bit of it ready for planting - It will give me great satistfacion to be able to look at a cleared patch with little green things waving defiantly in the breeze as I leave the plot, and think 'I did that'. That feeling will probably last until the next morning when all that will be left is empty little stalks, but I can dream, can't I?

          I know that I could plant seeds, and I don't really need to plant seedlings right away, but I am looking for that instant gratification moment - there won't be many more of those for some time yet, I bet

          My stepdad who is having some of the plot with me is concerned about there being loads of solid clay under the grass (he is a retired builder, and at 83 he thinks he knows everything about everything, and doesn't hold back with an opinion).

          He thinks that the spoil from the nearby canal will have been dumped all over the site back in the 19th century when it was being dug, and has had bad experience with that type of infill back when he was still working.

          He has only had a single, short visit to the site and he didn't even need to put a fork or spade into the ground to reach his conclusion.

          I, on the other hand, am confident that even if there is a lot of clay that it can be dealt with.

          Perhaps between us we make a good team - he talks like he has been defeated before he starts whereas I think that I will always find a way. Probably the true way is somewhat in the middle.

          I can't wait to hear now - hopefully the keys will be handed back before the two weeks and I can get on and get started asap.

 Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


          • #20
            Fingers crossed for you Andy!
            A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows


            • #21
              I keep on changing my mind about the best way to deal with the plot, once I get the go ahead (which hopefully should be a week on Wednesday).

              The first stage has to be strimming back all the knee high grass and weeds and piling the cut stuff up into the first stage of a compost heap.

              After that I was leaning towards rotivating the lot and then covering in weed-suppresing fabric until I have the time and energy to deal with it, section by section.

              This was mainly down to the fact that I have a bad back, and I know that the amount of digging I would need to do to get a decent area ready for planting would probably be out of the question.

              I also based my original decision on a series of you-tube videos from a guy who got a plot last autumn and rotivated the hell out of it, and he had a really clean, nice-looking plot come spring. Unfortunately, he has just posted an update where his patch is completely covered with weeds, so it looks like the rotivation method was just storing up trouble in the long term - just as you Grapes told me it would.

              I don't think that rotivation is the way forwards for me now - I shall consider this one a near miss.

              In looking for an alternative I came across Square Foot Gardening which, in theory, should give me the 'quick fix' I was looking for in providing me with quick visual appeal as quick crops grow, low maintenance plus, most importantly, a no-dig solution after the first essential double dig preparation of the beds.

              I am planning to cover the paths between the beds with weed-suppressing fabric covered with wood chippings to keep them free of unwanted plants.

              The only thing at the back of my mind is that there has to be some kind of drawback to the SFG garden, but as I am not very experienced, horticulturally speaking, I can't think of one.

              Has anyone else tried this method, and how did you do with it?

     Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


              • #22
                Can I be nosey and ask you just what the problem is with your back? Mine has been dodgy since I had a massive lumbar disc (L1) prolapse at 16, and then L2 went at about age 32 and took 18 months to recover from. However, I do manage to dig my plots in easy stages - dig for 20 minutes, then do something else for 20 minutes, then return to digging and so on. To begin with, just the first 20 minutes is enough. Then as the days go on, you can build up your multiples of 20 minutes.

                In the meantime, if the weeds have been strimmed down, you can start no-dig beds without digging at all. Just get hold of some cardboard and some straw and/or rotted manure, and some black plastic, and lay down the cardboard, topped with the straw and/or manure, water it and then cover with the black plastic. Cut holes in the plastic and push through the mulch and then plant your plants before pulling the mulch and placcy round the stem of the plant. This works for peas, beans, sweetcorn, squashes, pumpkins, and tall brassicas like broccoli and kale.
                Last edited by SarzWix; 24-06-2012, 11:11 PM.


                • #23
                  Hi Sarz

                  I don't mind you asking at all - I had four crushed disks in my lower back about 10 years ago, and I also have scoliosis which means that I quite often get severe pains in my lower back if I try to lift something I shouldn't, or do too much all at once (which I am prone to do).

                  I struggle when walking round supermarkets, etc - I have to lean on the trolley - but I can go for miles on a proper walk in the hills - it sems to be the dawdling I can't do. It's also a great excuse to get out of window shopping

                  I could probably do 20-30 mins of digging in one go, but I would then have to sit for 10-15 to let my back ease off, then have another go.

                  The only problem with this is that in our lovely summer I would start to get cold while sitting and therefore more prone to muscle strains, etc.

                  I am not averse to digging, but I know my limitations and so it would probably take quite a long time to cover all the ground I am going to be responsible for.

                  I want to use the various no-dig methods on the plot, but until I actually get in there and put spade to earth I don't know what lies underneath the surface.

                  Last edited by Samurailord; 25-06-2012, 12:48 PM.
         Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


                  • #24
                    Okay - it doesn't look like the existing plot holder is going to make an appearance, so according to the allotment secretary a couple of committee members are going to go round and get the key back on Sat July 7th.

                    With a bit of luck I could be all signed up on the Sunday.

                    She does have the right to appeal the decision even at this late stage, but I can't see it being successful unless she makes a concerted effort to clear her plot and get something planted.

                    Seeing that she has not even visited the site for several months, and hasn't even been in touch with the secretary it seems very unlikely, but not impossible.

                    I do hope everything goes in my favour on time as I have already got a couple of days booked off work for Monday and Tuesday 9th and 10th which may just fall perfectly for a mega strimming session

                    The blow away and garden table at home are pretty much filled with seedlings looking for a home, so the plan now is to strim everything and cover it in black plastic/membranes until I can deal with it, and make a couple of beds 8' x 4' to plant up to make it look like I am doing something

                    I may also have to look at clearing an area for a fruit garden as that is what both my stepdad and wife are interested in.

                    As the countdown gets into the last seven days I am starting to get quite excited about the whole thing.

           Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


                    • #25
                      Just heard from the Allotment Secretary.

                      She is hoping to be able to sign me up tomorrow afternoon, and either have a key ready for me then, or get one cut later that day.

                      I know I have been very lucky to get an allotment in five weeks compared to some other folk who have had to wait for years and fight bureaurocracy all the way.

                      It still seems like it has been ages since I first went down to have a look.

                      I have made so many plans over the past few weeks, re-made them, scrapped them all and started again over and over. I'm still not sure which quarter the other new plot holder is going to take, but to be honest I don't really care any more.

                      I just want to get down there and get started clearing so I can see what I have let myself in for

                      I have come around to the idea of having a pond after having so much trouble with snails and slugs at home, so the idea of a few friendly frogs and toads patrolling the allotment while I'm not there kind of appeals to me

                      I am hoping that this terrible weather will clear just a bit to allow me to start strimming on Sunday - is it OK to strim when it is wet? I know that digging wet ground is a big no-no, but it should be OK to strim, surely?

                      I have booked two days off work on Monday and Tuesday (which just happens to coincide with my birthday as well - bit of fortuitous planning there) so I have a three day long window in which to get it done.

                      Wish me luck - I think I'm going to need it!

             Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


                      • #26
                        Exciting times Andy. I wish you lots of luck and good growing. May the sun shine on your plot from this day forth.............


                        • #27
                          Thanks VC

                          Some sun would be nice, but I will still need some rain, but hopefully at the correct time of year.

                 Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


                          • #28
                            You can have overnight rain - that's always the best sort for gardening


                            • #29
                              Yay - your patience paid off! Now we need piccies of the plot once you finally get your hands on it! Glad you decided not to rotivate - it only causes loads more trouble. Especially if you have a little bit of mare's tail because it is sure to turn it into a lot of mare's tail!
                              Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                              • #30
                                Not much patience as I have only been waiting for five weeks!

                                Piccies will follow once I actually get on the plot, both on here and on my blog pages which I am going to use as a kind of electronic gardening diary.

                                The secretary has told me that the plot was recently strimmed, so that's one less job to worry about.

                                All I need to do now is get down there and dig over 180 square meters of ground - nothing to it, should be done by lunchtime

                       Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


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