Originally posted by taff
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Yes, I have and I fully intend to use that method as much as possible once the plot is ready for planting.
But I am also impatient and want to get on, so I think I will still rotivate at first to get a fine crumb to the soil (or as fine as I can manage) so I can get plenty of late crops in.
After that I really dont want to do an awful lot of digging - my back just won't take it.
I intend on planting crops that will assist me in breaking up the soil and making it hard for weeds to thrive (potatoes) and ones that need little maintenance apart from watering once that have become established (pumpkin, peas/beans).
Once I have a bit of confidence and have come to know my plot a bit better then I may start to become more adventurous with my planting.
That's the plan, anyway, but as we all know, no plan survives contact with the enemy!