I mulched approximately half of my allotments. The areas I didn't mulch are dry as snuff and hard as iron!
The areas I mulched with cow muck has soil underneath the mulch which is damp friable and full of surface fauna!
Other allotment holders close by have dug the manure into the soil and I watched today with a smirk on my face as a rotovator tried to mix dry manure with dry soil!
Three cheers for mulch....I'm a real smug convert!!!! Hip hip hooray!!!

The areas I mulched with cow muck has soil underneath the mulch which is damp friable and full of surface fauna!

Other allotment holders close by have dug the manure into the soil and I watched today with a smirk on my face as a rotovator tried to mix dry manure with dry soil!
Three cheers for mulch....I'm a real smug convert!!!! Hip hip hooray!!!
