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Feeling bullied off my plot


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  • #61
    You're going to have to work alongside this man, so you need to air your issues with him. He's been more than a bit cheeky, your neighbour. I would be writing him a letter telling him how you feel ~ it will get your point across without you getting all upset like a face-to-face would do.

    He probably has no idea of the harm he's done.

    I've had my plot sprayed (by 'accident') twice. I've also been given a notice-to-quit unless I removed certain items on my plot. I also hear a lot of mutterings about my 'weeds' (they're green manures).
    I fell out with the committee, the Old Boyes, and my neighbours on all 3 sides last year over different issues, but it all gets sorted with a letter or a quiet word.

    I don't trust anyone (!) so I like to put things in writing, it gives you some evidence to refer back to.
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #62
      I'm glad everything appears to be getting sorted out.

      I got my plot by default by turning over someone elses plot.

      A woman had a plot and had really made no impression on it in six months. She had been sent letters but didn't reply.It was full of thistles and they were flowering and seeds were floating all over the place. I approached the committee and asked if they would allow me to tidy it up by digging it over, but not do any planting. I don't use weedkiller myself so this wasn't an issue. I agreed that if she returned I would hand over the plot to her to do as she wished.
      I also agreed with the committee that if she didn't return, which she didn't, I would be able to keep the plot the following year.
      I still have this plot.

      Circumstances were different I know, but just thought I would hi-light the legitimate reasons that someone could be on someone elses plot.
      I am now on the committee and letters have been sent out to four people who's plots are awash with thistles.
      They have a month to make an impression and if not I will have to go onto their plots with a strimmer/brushcutter to prevent the whole site from becoming covered in thistle seedlings!
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • #63
        It's really hard trying to work out what to do and what's reasonable without actually meeting this neighbour! I feel like popping over and going up to the lottie with your.........mind you that might be the wine that's making me feel like that
        I think you have done all the right things (with the lottie - apart from being sick for a while; and with the council)
        I think you need to brave up now and go to the lottie and just 'get on with it mate!'
        If he says anything 'hello? pardon?' 'Has the council person not been in touch with you yet?'

        My blog:

        Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

        One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

        Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


        • #64
          Dropped in looking for an update?


          • #65
            Yes, I really want to know what happens too ! But unlike soap operas, I think plots in real life (pardon the pun ) tend to change more slowly and gradually than is actually exciting...
            We will have to amuse ourselves with hope, and thoughts of poetic justice.
            There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.

            Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?


            • #66
              Just read through this whole thread. I know my plot is my wee haven and i'd hate to have that ruined with animosity and bad feelings. An allotment is the best place for you to be when recovering from any illness, even if it's just to sit there and plan/enjoy/listen to the birds or talk to the neighbours so I really do hope everything can be resolved and you can get back to looking forward to going there and not have to worry whether he will be there or not. Very best of wishes to you and I will pop back in for updates.

              I am getting really concerned about my own plot right now, although I did manage to get almost everything planted, I'm struggling to get there even once a week right now and the weeds are horrendous. My Dad fell and broke his neck 7 weeks ago so I've taken over his job of caring for Mum and going across town every day to the spinal unit to visit him. I've spoken to committee members and explained what's happened so hopefully they will be understanding at the next site inspection, which is due soon I think.
              My blog -


              • #67
                I have an update but its not good. I'm extremely upset about it.
                I wrote an email to the committee asking them to explain their actions on my plot- the weedkiller, the digging etc, and asked them to respond in writing. They did respond (although they put a wrong address so it took almost 2 weeks to reach me) just telling me that they had taken the decision because they felt mine was one of the weedier plots on site "despite the plastic sheeting" (What???!! How?!!), and that under the circumstances they were going to "proceed with terminating my tenancy". They also said that my passion for growing is admired and respected and that if I still wanted a plot in Sept, they would prioritise my request for a new tenancy!?

                I presume they then instructed the council admin team to send me out a termination letter, because that arrived today (also addressed wrong, and identically to how the committee had it... which is telling because I checked old council invoices and the council do definitely have the right address for me on their system)
                I've been trying to get hold of the woman from the council for over a week now but she hasn't been in the office. Tried emailing to no avail. I am guessing this letter has come out via her admin team. I'm completely at a loss as to what to do now.
                The council letter says i have 14 days to clear up and off... it's dated 20th July- just 3 days after i spoke to the council and they told me to "hold off while they investigated" because i was unsure whether i could dig up what he planted, or what...

                I just want to cry... he's carried on treating my plot as his own... he's rotavated that section that had bindweed on it (groan)


                • #68
                  Barstools all of them. I am heartily peed off on your behalf. It is thoroughly obnoxious behaviour on their part. So sorry for you, you must be so angry and upset. Massive virtual hugs of support...
                  Spelling errors are my area of expertise. Apologies if my jumbled up mind/words cause offence.


                  • #69
                    I really don't know what to say - I can't believe that you have been removed from your plot after such a short period of inactivity. The plot I have just taken on was left to the weeds for a much longer time than that.

                    If you can get hold of the woman at the council try and arrange to meet her on site and point out that their letter to quit has been pre-empted by your plot neighbour (which is illegal, that is still your plot until the deadline has passed).

                    Is there an appeals procedure against the notice to quit? If there is, invoke it quick before the deadline. Take lots of pics at your plot and prove that your neighbour has continued to cultivate it even though it is still yours, or use them to prove that cultivation has taken place so the notice to quit is invalid.

                    You should also point out that the letter to quit was sent to the wrong address.

                    If none of this works then if I were you I would be back on site on the last day, armed with a huge tub of weedkiller and liberally dose your old plot and everything on it (until the termination day it is all still yours) after harvesting anything that is ready.

                    After this treatment I would be looking around for another allotment - I certainly wouldn't go back to one that had treated me like that as there is no guarantee that it wouldn't happen again. You are not losing anything at the moment as it sounds like you would have to start from scratch again anyway.

                    Just don't let the barstools grind you down - remember that you are better than them.

                    If you lived closer I would give you part of my plot, just to tide you over until you got sorted.

                    Last edited by Samurailord; 31-07-2012, 06:12 AM.
           Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


                    • #70
                      So sorry you have lost your fight, please don't douse the plot in weedkiller. You don't know who is going to be the next tennant & I am sure you would not like it done to your new plot.
                      sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                      Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                      Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                      KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                      • #71
                        The next tenant will be the barstool who has forced him off, planted on his plot and already used weedkiller on his organic plot - a bit of poetic justice here I was thinking.

               Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


                        • #72
                          Im afraid that this kind of childish behaviour goes on on many sites and if the there are people who think this kind of behaviour is all well n good,then I hope your reading this, YOUR AN IDIOT AND SELFISH PRAT!! Surely there was a day you came to your plot and it wasnt great,im sure most of us have had them.I myself work very long days and can only get an hour or so after work n weekends,but Im thinking long term for I am learning about growing my own and vegatables in general. Yet the retired/out of work who can get there 24/7 and have an imaculate plot seem to make you feel like something on the bottom of there shoe, I would love a plot like that,thats what we strive for.Its supposed to be a relaxing enjoyable pastime,you dont want to be made to feel unwelcome. If it were me,Id dig up the veg he planted on your plot and compost it,or dig it up when hes there to see you do it,pop it in your car,saying thats sunday lunch sorted!! keep your chin up m8 and let us know what happens.


                          • #73
                            I'm clutching at straws for you here but have you considered whether the letters were intended for the person who lives at the wrong address? Since I've no idea how wrong the address was I just wondered if that was another plot holder?
                            Whatever you do, don't take malicious action against the plot. Such things have a habit of coming back and biting you on the bum.


                            • #74
                              Do the terms and conditions that you signed allow them to give you a couple of days notice? Go back to the original terms and read the info on the NSALG website. Lots of people here know the rules and regs and if they see this will help I am sure.


                              • #75
                                This is terrible news. Sounds to me like this neighbour wanted your plot all along if they are willing to give you another one come September, where would be the harm in giving you UNTIL September to show you are now able to work on your own plot.
                                My blog -


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