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Feeling bullied off my plot


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  • #91
    Can anyone with committee experience answer a question for me?

    In my recent email to the committee, I requested the minutes of the meeting where they voted to take the action they have on my plot. (I was under the impression that such actions needed to be voted on? Is that correct?)
    Instead of sending me any minutes related to that... they sent me the minutes of their April meeting, where they voted on going self-managed, and voted in the committee. It stated that people who were unable to attend were given the option to vote beforehand.
    Now, that stuck out as odd to me as I didn't recall any communication saying that... and I'd been through all my emails looking for what had been sent to me while I was ill.

    I've now gone through my entire inbox with a fine tooth comb, and there's no notification in there about
    1. That there was a meeting taking place at all
    and therefore no notification that:
    2. That there'd be a vote.
    3. That I had the option to vote by proxy.

    Nada... nothing.
    I only had the email addresses of two people at the site, and had only given my email address to two people: the previous secretary who had resigned, and the guy who is now chairman, because he was liaising with the federation and was sorta acting as caretaker along with the outgoing secretary.
    Neither of those people would have ended up in my junkmail because they are both saved in my contacts, so any 'official communication' would have come through fine.

    The first time i was sent the emails of the other committee members was after the fact of them being voted in.

    My question is... do these kinds of meeting not need to be announced in writing directly to everyone... and was that vote valid if proper written communication from the correct channels was not sent?
    I of course do not know if someone else emailed me about it, it would have gone straight to junk, but does an email from some random person at the site, who is not known to me, count as 'proper notification'??
    Last edited by akashicdevi; 01-08-2012, 05:29 PM.


    • #92
      Depends what you have set up...
      I'd have thought for big decisions you need to go before a full membership... and that everyone should be notified in advance.

      Do you have any constitution? Is there a recommended one if not?

      For most things 'in writing' is email as far as I'm concerned and a notice on the noticeboard on site.
      I as secretary do not have time to go and hand deliver letters to everyone and wasting the price of a stamp isn't on for minutes etc.
      When we have sent people letters about their plots it's been in writing via the royal mail though.

      You clearly have two issues.
      The unconstitutional nature of the committee being organised and your plot being robbed.
      They need both looking at by the council.

      How are you getting on with your plot now?
      Have you reclaimed your area and started tending it again?


      • #93
        you go girl!! or boy!!! [not sure.....]


        • #94
          I can understand the thinking behind not wasting money on stamps. But I don't even seem to have an email about it. There's certainly none from him, and I would have thought that it would be him who would have sent it. So, it seems it either wasn't him who sent that notice, or he left me off the mailing list?

          We are in the process of getting advice from the federation on setting up a constitution. I think i recall seeing a sample of what a constitution looks like last year, but none has been adopted on site as of yet. The committee also doesn't have any ordinary members yet to form a quorum, those are due to be decided in September, (no date set for that as of yet, my name was down to be an ordinary member... I've no idea if they're even keeping me in the loop about that, because they're probably under the impression that my tenancy has now been terminated, as per their directions, even though it hasn't.) so i was under the impression that the ordinary members had to be added to the committee before we could officially set up the constitution, so that the whole site has representation? (is that correct?)

          I specifically asked the council if i had the power to go and dig up what he's planted etc in order to put in my own plants and she asked me to hold off on doing anything while she's investigating. I don't want a pitchfork battle on site either...
          He's still treating it as his own and continuing to dig... that section beyond where my polytunnel is has now been rotavated, despite the bindweed roots... (i feel sick thinking about that)
          i've printed off the form for NSALG and its going in the post tomorrow. I'm really getting exasperated... I have bean plants ready to go in... the weathers been lovely... i want to get back into it.... :-(

          I'm a girl, Taff!!
          Up til now I've had all the "you're such a little thing... you're doing so 'wellllll'... how on earth are you managing to dig up all those roots by yourself... are you sure you don't want my help"
          Yeah... i just kept my headphones in and ignored it!
          Last edited by akashicdevi; 01-08-2012, 06:05 PM.


          • #95
            Originally posted by akashicdevi View Post
            I can understand the thinking behind not wasting money on stamps. But I don't even seem to have an email about it. There's certainly none from him, and I would have thought that it would be him who would have sent it. So, it seems it either wasn't him who sent that notice, or he left me off the mailing list?

            We are in the process of getting advice from the federation on setting up a constitution. I think i recall seeing a sample of what a constitution looks like last year, but none has been adopted on site as of yet. The committee also doesn't have any ordinary members yet to form a quorum, those are due to be decided in September, (no date set for that as of yet, my name was down to be an ordinary member... I've no idea if they're even keeping me in the loop about that, because they're probably under the impression that my tenancy has now been terminated, as per their directions, even though it hasn't.) so i was under the impression that the ordinary members had to be added to the committee before we could officially set up the constitution, so that the whole site has representation? (is that correct?)
            The whole site should decide to go for being constituted. Whilst I can see why some sites might not want to, it can be helpful.

            If they're not including everyone then that's not on - you should probably speak to the council lady again about this separately. But I'd concentrate for now on getting your plot back to yourself.

            Committee positions are elected for a year normally. There's no reason why you should be excluded from anything either - There should be no secrets!

            You could always ask other people about the committee and say you want to be more involved now you're better.


            • #96
              Originally posted by akashicdevi View Post
              I'm looking into possibly using a lasagne method ... its hard to get straw in London!
              You don't need straw to do "lasagne".
              This is mine: lasagne bed 1 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

              This year I'm doing "one straw revolution" (chopping up all the waste & weeds, and leaving them on the soil as a mulch). It's going well, the soil is really responding

              Originally posted by akashicdevi View Post
              I can understand the thinking behind not wasting money on stamps. But I don't even seem to have an email about it.
              That's normal for allotments. They're largely run by older people who don't do technology (or communication, lol).
              We get a note tacked on the notice board, that's it.

              If they don't bother to let me know there's a meeting ... I don't attend.

              For four years now people have been asking me if I'm going to such-and-such: no, I say, I didn't know about it. The penny hasn't dropped yet (that we should get into email, social media or even texting).
              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                That's normal for allotments. They're largely run by older people who don't do technology (or communication, lol).
                We get a note tacked on the notice board, that's it.

                If they don't bother to let me know there's a meeting ... I don't attend.

                For four years now people have been asking me if I'm going to such-and-such: no, I say, I didn't know about it. The penny hasn't dropped yet (that we should get into email, social media or even texting).
                Even some of our young people don't do technology - it's frustrating as heck as I can email everyone everything in a minute but ringing people takes ages - and if you end up having to leave a message you're not even sure if people check their answer machines! :-/

                In theory everyone is on site often enough to read notices or be told.


                • #98
                  I picked up some bales of straw/hay from a place on whitewebbs Lane in Enfield. Lots of garden centres round there too. Its not that far from M25. 3 bales fitted in my Ford KA. The corn did start growing though!

                  I am on the commitee of my allotment (they wanted young blood I think) all important stuff comes via post, as not everyone has email. Emails and noticeboards for less vital stuff. I think they'd like to move to do it all via email, but the oldest member is 101, so you can see there will be a problems!
         making a house a home and a garden home grown.


                  • #99
                    It sounds to me like there are enough examples of ham-fistedness on their part for you not to lose your case. Good to have someone at the council who at least seems to be acting in a fair and reasonable manner. Play it cool and keep that person sweet and I'm sure it will all pan out in your favour. In case it goes against you just have all the various points you made here in bullet form ready to fire at them, preferably at a face to face meeting with the council. I think it will all be fine. If this guy gives it all 'but what about all the work I've done on the plot', fire it right back at him.


                    • I'm STILL standing by my previous comments.

                      The 'interloper' needs a bop on the schnoz. What a bladdy cheek. Don't let this @r$€h0l€ bully you off YOUR plot.

                      You may be little and female, but so are some of the toughest Terriers. If you can't reach the jugular, go for sommat softer, lower down!
                      All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                      Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                      • I reckon redser has hit the nail on the head.
                        Keep a record of all that has transpired, written and photographic, including a list of emails and other communications between everyone; and if all else fails, let us know and we can all bombard your council with letters/emails to let them know this is not going unnoticed by the world outside.
                        I daresay nothing will happen straight away, officialdom hates to be put on the spot like this and at the least they are likely to procrastinate, while giving the "Chairman" and his mates enough rope to hang themselves...But you might be lucky and have some hard-nosed types in charge who are no keener on this sort of thing than you are.
                        But either way, you are not alone, and it strikes me as a delay rather than a halt to your endeavours !
                        There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.

                        Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?


                        • And saving face is a big thing in disputes. Be more focussed on keeping your plot than revenge or making them look like incompetant bullies and thieves. If you put reasonable and incontravertable arguements and evidence before them it will give them the opportunity for their 'oh it was just a misunderstanding so' stance and they will grudgingly take it. The moral victory will be yours and you and they will know it. And you will keep your plot. And they will save face. I bet this guy will not be preparing himself the way you are so be prepared and play it cool. Then get planting


                          • I think that is really simple and sage advice Redster.

                            Yet, it still concerns me that this chap is now 'Chairman' with his cronies... Seems in an ideal position to continue bullying. I'm not sure such full scale and ongoing invasion can be easily brushed off as a misunderstanding.

                            I question the legitimacy of this 'Committee' and democratic process here. I think there needs to be a constitution and a special meeting... with members actually present!... at which he needs to stand down as chairman and then a vote is taken on those who are proposed for office. Most committees, councils etc have similar constitutions to look at.


                            • Yes, I'd do what redser says too. But then I'd be ready to jump right on in to join the committee saying how excited I was to be part of helping with the admin side of it all.......just so excited! I'd also chat to a few people around me who might want to vote me in because they wanted to dilute the control of these few. There must be quite a few people who are wondering whether it will remain a good place to garden in the future the way it is going around him.

                              My blog:

                              Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

                              One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

                              Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


                              • Run for chairman
                                Do you have doctors note or can you get one, handy to have


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