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Allotment Machinery


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  • Allotment Machinery

    Does your allotment have machinery ie strimmer, rotavator, garden shredder for the use of the plot holders, do you have to pay a hire fee to used them if so how much.

  • #2
    We are a 160 plot site and whilst having money in the bank, have no machinery for use or hire. We get a man in with a tractor and plough and rotovator for new plot holders at no cost to them.


    • #3
      We've cultivated a friendly farmer as well ( sorry for the pun) and don't have machines in the association but several of the guys have there own and are more than willing to lend them or rotavate plots for the cost of fuel
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      Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
      A large group of professionals built the Titanic


      • #4
        We have 480 plots now....and the committe have a wheel barrow and a fork with a broken prong.

        We do have 6 petrol mowers that we rent out at �1 a go...which covers the cost of the fuel and maintance.

        Most plot holders have their own stuff and those with rotovator will lend them out if you supply the fuel.
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        • #5
          We have a strimmer that can be hired for �1 a go but sadly its currently broken. To be honest we should have a rotovator because the number I've seen being hired over the past week (myslef included) is staggering. The problem like all these things is having either a secure location on site (not likely) or a single individual reponsible for the ownership and organisation.


          • #6
            Our allotment association have no communal building, no tools, no seed scheme.... In fact i could save space and just say they have nothing...! They don't even offer help to clear new plots, or give discount on first year rent for badly overgrown plots. Everyone just does their own thing.


            • #7
              At our allotments we have a strimmer, lawnmower and rotorvator all for hire for the cost of the fuel. They are not owned by the association but by members of the committee. The only machinery the association owns is a sit on mower for mowing the orchard and hazel copse.


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