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First signs of life on the allotment


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  • First signs of life on the allotment

    Hi all

    While I was at my plot last night making sure everything was in place for today's rotivation and raised bed building I just happened to look at the first bed that me and my son dug over nearly three weeks ago, just after I got the allotment.

    We double dug a 4'x4' bed, and I was so determined to get something in the ground that I came down in the middle of a rainstorm and stuck a load of potatoes in the ground in three well spaced rows at the bottom of trenches with nice ridges between ready for earthing up, if any should grow.

    I wasn't expecting much as I was planting sprouting tubers from a bag of ASDA potatoes - all I wanted was something to help break up the soil and provide a bit of foliage cover to weaken the weeds.

    The next morning when I checked the bed it had been thoroughly trashed by the family of foxes we have on site - the ridges had been flattened and several holes dug into the bed itself.

    I tried to repaid the damage but mentally wrote this bed off and carried on preparing the remainder of the plot.

    Whilst piling bags of compost last night I noticed something coming through in that bed that didn't look like the other weeds and I was down on my hands and knees in a flash, carefully brushing away the loose dried soil from around it.

    It was one of my potatoes that was showing, and now that I was down close to the bed I could see one or two more.

    The tops are only a centimetre above ground level at the moment, but overall I found that thirteen of the fifteen I planted have made an appearance.

    I was so happy that I went and found my plot neighbour who was minding his own business watering his beans and dragged him across to show him my first ever plants on my plot.

    Thankfully he was very understanding towards the lunatic who was pointing out some barely showing shoots, especially when his own plot is filled with stuff doing really well.

    I know that they are only potatoes, I know that I shouldn't get so excited over such a small deal, but they are my first and so will always be special

    Andy Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update

  • #2
    It's a lovely feeling, isn't it Andy.


    • #3
      Congrats Andy
      Location....East Midlands.


      • #4
        Its always a thrill - but the first time is always the best (or so they say )
        I hope you never lose that excitement


        • #5
          We had the same experience when pulling our first carrot, picking the first solitary runnber bean and finding mange tout ready to pick. Our neighbours on the allotment are getting used to it.... Wonderful feeling isn't it?
          A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows


          • #6
            bless you.
            If you'd found me and dragged me over, I would have waved my arms, jumped up and down and shouted lots
            in a good way I mean....
            Last edited by taff; 28-07-2012, 10:16 AM.


            • #7
              Yay! Nothing wrong with being excited! I was quite thrilled for a plotholder earlier when he showed me the tassels on his sweetcorn! Ooer!


              • #8
                If you hadn't been excited at that sight, Samurai, you would have been no kind of a gardener, and you would not have lasted at the plot.
                I have seen me being genuinely, honest-to-God, flutters-in-the stomach, excited just by digging soil that poured off the spade like crumbs of black chocolate cake so you are not alone !
                There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.

                Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?


                • #9
                  Ermm should've seen me last week with a handful of spring onions and radish and then the incredulous look on OH's face when I took them home.....
                  S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                  a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                  You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                  • #10
                    Isn't it a great feeling? Excitement and pride in equal measures.
                    Congratulations on your first batch of green-babies and watch out, before long you'll be jumping up and down in excitement all over your plot.
                    Tried and Tested...but the results are inconclusive


                    Honorary member of the nutters club, by appointment of VeggieChicken


                    • #11
                      Thanks all

                      After today's hard work by me, son and stepdad (three generations working together!!!) we now have a large area rotivated - about 80 square metres - and two 5'x9' raised beds ready to be filled.

                      My son is having the first bed to be ready and he is already planning what he can grow.

                      The second is mine - I have so many plants ready to go in I'm not sure they will all fit in a single bed, so I hope we can get a couple more done tomorrow.

                      Tomorrow we will make another four beds and try to get them all filled with manure and compost, and get the weed suppressing fabric down between them all.

                      This is all dependent upon the weather, of course.

                      If you thought I was excited last night, you should see me today - that horrid piece of ground I took on is actually starting to look like a proper allotment!!

             Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


                      • #12
                        This all sounds brilliant Andy - my plot has got out of hand again, so it would be lovely if you could put a couple of inspirational pictures up here!
                        Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                        • #13
                          You will have that same feeling next year as well Andy, by the way 5'x9' sounds a lot better than 5'x5'..........
                          sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                          Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                          Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                          KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Jeanied View Post
                            This all sounds brilliant Andy - my plot has got out of hand again, so it would be lovely if you could put a couple of inspirational pictures up here!
                            Hi Jeanie

                            I would love to put up some pics but my original phone took an early bath a while back and I don't have a connector for my temporary replacement phone to get pics on the PC.

                            Once I get one the pics will be up, don't worry.

                   Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bigmallly View Post
                              by the way 5'x9' sounds a lot better than 5'x5'..........
                              Yes BigM, we had a discussion about the beds and once we had seen the actual size of the timber (we had only seen a sample up to the point of delivery) it kind of decided the size for us. The beds are actually 5' x 9.5'

                              We have only lost about two inches from each piece that wasn't down to squaring off.

                     Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


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