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New management trying to change plot sizes


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  • New management trying to change plot sizes

    Hi guys, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but here goes: The site I have an allotment on is due to become self-managed.

    One of the new rulings that the new committee (they're the same old committee just with new powers!) is trying to impose is that plots can only be 5 or 10 rods, which is fine for newcomers, however, they wish those current plot holders who don't conform to their new ruling to change their plots. I have 7.5 rods which was issued to me from the council, I didn't ask for this size I was just given it and was very grateful and I love it. I am now being told to either give up 2.5 rods or take on a further 2.5 rods and obviously the rent that goes with that. I don't wish to take on the extra space and I also don't want to lose any of my current plot. My question is: can they do this to existing plot holders? Does my agreement/contract with the council mean anything now. Any help will be appreciated

  • #2
    Hello Aggy and welcome to the Forum. I don't know the answer to your question but how many plot holders are affected by the new ruling? Presumably, if you were to take on 2.5 rods more, they would not be adjacent to your existing plot? I find the rationale difficult to understand frankly.


    • #3
      Someone who may be able to help is Aberdeenplotter. He's well up on allotment rules and regulations.

      I wouldn't have thought they could change your plot sizes arbitrarily, as they are just taking over where the Council left off. Your original tenancy agreement should stand.

      Any vacant plots I would think they can divide up how they wish.


      • #4
        So as you have currently 7.5 rods can you tell me where the extra 2.5 rods is.Is it currently untended or does your neighbour have it.If your neighbour has is and doesnt want to give it up what happens then

        Who made these new rules ? were they voted on or did the new commitee just decide it was easier for them.


        • #5
          I would have thought that there would have been a general meeting of all the plot holders once the administration had changed. This would have ben similar to an AGM where such drastic rule changes as this should have been discussed and voted upon by all.
          Surely all you need is to adjust your rent payed to take into account the size of your plot?
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • #6
            Nobody can answer this for you definitively, since we aren't privy to the terms of your contract.
            The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.

            Gertrude Jekyll

            ************NUTTERS' CLUB MEMBER************

            The Mad Hatter: Have I gone mad?
            Alice Kingsley: I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll
            tell you a secret. All the best people are.


            • #7
              Your contract will yield the answer! Residential and commercial property security of tenure legislation tends not to apply to allotments which mostly are periodic tenancies terminable as per the contract.

              Otherwise it would be difficult to remove non cultivators!

              You imply the proposed new rules have been dreamt up as a power trip for the new committee. Clearly such things are possible! However common sense should prevail if the rules are debated amongst your fellow plot holders.

              Good luck!

              Loving my allotment!


              • #8
                How much is the extra space and is it adjacent to your plot? If it's not too much it could be a bonus and you could plant up permenant stuff like fruit?


                • #9
                  Unfortunately there are only 2 plots on the whole site that are 7.5 rods (I don't know which other or why & there are approx 200 plots). The extra 2.5 rods is at the back of me but my argument lies more with the fact the are trying to change things for apparently no good reason, there has never been anyone on this bit of land so it makes me wonder why the council never gave me the full 10 rods in the first place. I was always told that the plot was only 7.5 rods because the brook that runs along the back is too close and is protected by some environmental thing but I don't have this in writing.

                  The committee haven't yet published the rents for next year so not only do I not know if the land is worth cultivating but I don't know how much extra it's going to cost me if I do take it on.

                  Part of me thinks give up the 2.5 cause its hard to cultivate as there is a massive tree on one side and it floods every year but the other part of me is really annoyed that the committee just impose their rules & expect you to comply. I'm going to have to give this some thought. Thanks for your responses.


                  • #10
                    If it floods every year from the brook then it's probably not suitable for using for anything permanent.

                    If there are restrictions on using the bank then that would also be a reason. Imagine if someone started double digging near the bank and it all just slid into the brook? It could seriously impact much more than the plot.

                    Don't know who deals with brooks whether it's the council or someone else - but I'd start emailing or ringing people (Maybe the local councillor for the area who will perhaps know)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Aggy-Pants View Post
                      the other part of me is really annoyed that the committee just impose their rules & expect you to comply.
                      People don't like rules or being told what to do, it's true. I got in a right strop when I was ordered to remove my bottle borders.

                      However, we all have to abide by rules in order to have a civilised society. Abiding by this new rule will make things run smoother between you and everyone else.

                      Try and put your ego/pride aside and look at it objectively....

                      Originally posted by Aggy-Pants View Post
                      the 2.5 cause its hard to cultivate as there is a massive tree on one side and it floods every year
                      ... simples. Give it up. It's a PITA anyway, you'll save a bit of money, and you'll make the committee happy. Win win win
                      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                      • #12
                        You should contact nsalg for advice me thinks..

                        The National Allotment Society (NSALG Ltd)
                        O’Dell House
                        Hunters Road
                        Northamptonshire NN17 5JE

                        Tel: 01536 266576
                        Email: [email protected]
                        Cheers Chris

                        Beware Greeks bearing gifts, or have you already got a wooden horse?... hehe.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                          ... simples. Give it up. It's a PITA anyway, you'll save a bit of money, and you'll make the committee happy. Win win win
                          Think this is OP's 'extra' bit that they want to add for more money not the current plot.
                          Last edited by Suky; 13-10-2012, 12:52 PM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Suky View Post
                            Think this is OP's 'extra' bit that they want to add for more money not the current plot.
                            Suky i think you have hit the nail on the head they know he dont want to give up the 2,5 so they think they will get extra money for a piece of ground that isent workable


                            • #15
                              How much is the 2.5 rods extra likely to cost?
                              Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

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