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How much does your plot cost?


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  • I got my 5 rod plot in October last year (2014)
    Fareham has three Allotment sites all part of the same group.

    The total cost for my first year is �28.75

    Cost breakdown is as follows:

    �2.65 per rod = �13.75
    Key Deposit = �14.00
    Subs = �1.00 (Although not sure what that's actually for)

    What we get:

    - Our own onsite car park with locking gates.
    - 1 flush toilet & sink fully stocked with loo roll, soap, cleaning equipment, paper towels, waste bin. All contained in it's own small building with electric light and frosted windows (no curtains though), again fully lockable.
    - Large very well equipped shop open weekends from 8am till 12 midday. Lots of provisions at great cheap prices.
    - Allowed to have a shed and greenhouse each must be no bigger than 6 x 8 foot. (Some plots have two sheds with a gap between them. The owners have then put a roof over the top and panelled in the back with pallets. Then made two swing open doors on the front. The whole thing when closed up is one huge storage area lol)
    - Free water courtesy of Fareham Borough Council (although this may be changing in 2016) with taps sited around the whole site with large containers underneath. No plot is more than 4 plots away from a tap. We DO have to keep the containers under the taps filled with water. Not such a hardship really.
    - A large area where every so often compost / manure / leaves get put in there and you can help yourself. Unless the 'Private' sign is displayed, then it's hands off people lol.
    - The whole site is enclosed by a sturdy fence and surrounded by trees and woodland. I'm right at the back of the site next to the boundary fence. The other side of which is a few trees then quite a wide stream / small river. Then woodland, only used by dog walkers.
    - Very friendly, helpful and knowledgeable plot holders who are great to chat with. But don't keep nattering for very long.
    - 12 months a year access whenever we want.
    - At this time of year the beautiful sounds of nature, and peace and quiet (ok so the odd train goes past every so often, but even that just blends into the surroundings)
    - A fantastic escape from people, work and the computer.
    - A great site manager too.

    What we don't get:

    - A clubhouse
    - Any form of social activity apart from the AGM (which is in November, and was very funny to attend. Lots of bickering among a few plot holders who don't like how things are run, yet won't put themselves forward for the committee so they can make changes.)
    - Any form of website / forum for just the Fareham plot holders to chat among ourselves, which could be useful as Fareham has the three allotment sites plus the gardens side of things. I think the gardens bit is people who use their own gardens either as allotments or for growing flowers and then opening up their gardens for charity.

    So on the whole, and from reading what other people have put ...... WOW ... I am very lucky.

    (Edit: I thought this was my 50th post. Dammit!!! I mis-counted my post count. I so wanted my 50th post to be meaningful. Oops)
    Last edited by Damian Jay; 12-01-2015, 08:56 PM. Reason: Oops


    • �16 a year for 2.5 rods (61sqm) free water, that is all. Oh and a lock for the shed as main gate doesn't lock.
      No toilets.


      • I count myself very lucky as I don't have to rent a plot. Is everyone's plot council run or are there people who rent from private landowners?


        • Originally posted by Bacchus View Post
          I count myself very lucky as I don't have to rent a plot. Is everyone's plot council run or are there people who rent from private landowners?
          Ours is self-managed on a lease from the council, which is something the council would like all its 24 sites to be. It does make most things fairly easy to sort.
 - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


          • Mine costs �7 a rod and I have one plot which is 5 rods and one plot which is 10 rods. So this year a total cost of �105. Water is included and we get periodic deliveries of bark chip. �12 extra for a key and �5 extra for yearly membership of allotment association.
            We don't have loos on site but there are some public toilets nearby. There is an allotment shop but it services all of salisburys allotment sites and isn't on-site.

            This is salisbury council. Seems like mine is on the expensive side?


            • My invoice gas just arrived, Plot size 142 ? ( SQ mtrs?) half plot. �27.35,+ �15.00 Shed, ( v small shed).

              No loos. Free chippings

              Allotment shop open Sundays, stuff at very good prices, seed potatoes, onion sets, and seeds a third off. Etc.


              • Plot and all water is free but the family who own the small stately home where it is want a third of produce that is available, We decided what they can have and when.
                I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                • �32-50
                  125 sq mts includes �10 water �10 grass cutting on main path half plot.
                  full plot still �10 grass and �10 on site prices too expensive
                  no toilet shop opens 10-30==to 11-30 sunday am.
                  Bad parking


                  • Our plot is 50m x 10m and is �48 per year. Mains water tap 6 feet away from our plot. Main gate padlocked and 1st key is free but a fiver if you need a new key. No other facilities.


                    • �25-00 for full plot in west wilts. Water provided. No discounts and thats something i personally agree with. Keep it the same and fair for everyone


                      • Originally posted by plotman View Post
                        �25-00 for full plot in west wilts. Water provided. No discounts and thats something i personally agree with. Keep it the same and fair for everyone
                        Just had letter from council this morn. Still �25 for full plot this year, but going up to �40 a year in three yrs time. Thjey advise us its going up �5-00 a year for next three years to bring it in line with other authorities (


                        • �42 for a full plot here in Maidstone, that includes water. Worth every penny.


                          • I've just become the proud tenant of a half plot with water and pay �35 per year which IMO is an absolute bargain!!!

                            Previous tenant left it in good nick too with a shed, greenhouse and polytunnel
                            If I'm not on the Grapevine I can usually be found here!....


                            • Originally posted by Gillykat View Post
                              Previous tenant left it in good nick too with a shed, greenhouse and polytunnel
                              Lucky beggar! :-)

                              Just started working on mine a month ago. Finally managed to clear a pile of broken glass from it today. No shed/greenhouse/anything remotely worth having. Covered in grass/rubbish/weeds. Still very happy with it!!

                              22mx8m (ish) - water included (tap very nicely situated right outside my plot) - no on-site facilities - �40 per year.


                              • A plot is about 7m X 45m and is �6 a year but no facilities whatsoever at that price apart from a locked gate and �10 deposit for the key. Has to be the bargain of the century. Been this price for some years and no sign of any increase.
                                Can you believe someone complained and left the site last year because water wasn't provided.


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