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How much does your plot cost?


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  • Originally posted by mcdood View Post
    �30 for a full plot with dip tanks for watering cans, no hosepipes, West Midlands, bargain.
    Which site in Wolves are you?


    • I'm at Wolverhampton
      Last edited by mcdood; 03-05-2019, 07:16 AM.


      • Mr

        Originally posted by alldigging View Post
        How much and how do they broken down?
        Discounts for oaps? Membership charges?
        Hiya we have just joined no idea how to use this but it seems really good we got an old plot rundown 5mnths ago just finished getting it nearly ready we pay a whopping �12 a yr for a full plot


        • Originally posted by Stevie b & cadge View Post
          Hiya we have just joined no idea how to use this but it seems really good we got an old plot rundown 5mnths ago just finished getting it nearly ready we pay a whopping �12 a yr for a full plot
          Can you please add your location on the top right of your posts. At that price I may be moving to your area. Welcome to the vine btw.
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • Hi Snadger,
            You would be welcome at our plot in Atherstone, N. Warks anytime. �7 for 280 m2.


            • �101 for a 30 by 90 foot plot, including water with a standpipe very closeby. Two skips every year included, and lots of leaves and wood chip dropped off.


              • Hi, a full plot on our allotment is �35 a year a half plot �17.50, we have water on tap included for.that and access to wood chippings free.
                Also guys on the committee source things for the plot holders very cheaply and we can club together to buy bulk.
                Also we have member ship to another plot which means for 10p a year we can buy discounted seeds and supplies for our plots from their shop.
                We also have a community orchard where we can help ourselves to produce.
                Shared large compost area and this year we are making a community seating and bbq area too.
                When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. ~Author Unknown


                • Originally posted by alldigging View Post
                  How much and how do they broken down?
                  Discounts for oaps? Membership charges?
                  I�m in west London and a 6 rod is �33 + 6 for membership to the allotment society which gives a key to open the allotment. That�s not blackmail eh?


                  • About �34

                    About �34 with my little old man 50% discount, water from troughs is included.
                    I may be hungry but I sure ain�t weird


                    • �35 for the year for 10x10m which is a bargain imo!


                      • My allotment here in Duston Northampton for a 252 square metre plot is �32 per year..including a gate key and 2026 i will be 60 and be eligible for a 50% discount :-) :-)


                        • The one I'm hoping to get in a week or so is �15 per year plus �1 allotment membership. Plots are all about 10m X 10m
                          Leafy Hampshire
                          2 Half Plots, learning every day.


                          • Mine will be free this year because it needs a lot of work, however a full plot is �35 which includes water tanks around the site (no hose pipes), a few car parking areas, a toilet (spring-autumn), a shop (weekends, Feb - October) and association membership. I think there is also a friendly tree surgeon who will drop chip for a pint or two and a "Muck Man" (no idea on cost etc. for that).

                            Plus �5 deposit for the gate key, due to rise to �10 on 1st April.


                            • This new one in north Hamoshire cost my Dad a whole �9! Got over 60's discount plus some more off for taking it on late in the year.

                              My previous half plot in Manchester cost me �43 inc. society membership and insurance. They didn't do student discount sadly!


                              • ours is �96 for the year


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