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eek! Offered new allotment in Barnsley - not sure whether to accept!!!


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  • eek! Offered new allotment in Barnsley - not sure whether to accept!!!

    So i got the letter - 2 weeks to respond, do i want the plot.

    Not yet managed to get to site, but it doesn't have water, and will be very basic. From the road the little you ccan see, there are some very well maintained plots, and some not so great, and quite a few overgrown. i think mine may be on a slight hill.

    As its council i'm going to see if they will at least strim, so i can then cover and then dig as I see fit...

    However, for the water problem, there is currently no shed, and we have to have covered water containers... how can i get round this problem? I don't mind bringing some as I live in a unmetered house for water, and thinking i could fill a few camping containers, and ? decant to a water butt?

    In terms of cultivation, i was thinking of the covering first to weaken the weeds, dig each bed one at a time, and get something like potatoes going when i can to loosen the soil a bit. Any other helpful suggestions??

    Also is it a must to have a shed straight away?

    And with the plot in general, if its away from the good plot owners, should i ask to see if i can have the next available, especially if there are loads of overgrown ones? Tricky situation for a first timer.

  • #2
    Originally posted by ~kirsty~ View Post
    Not yet managed to get to site, but it doesn't have water
    What's the alternative for you? Are you hoping a better plot will become available?

    You need to get to the site, and you need to discuss your concerns with the other plotters.
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      Presumably the lack of piped water is not insurmountable as no-one would grow there otherwise. Having a shed would enable you to collect water run off into water butts. However it's by no means essential to have a shed. We're not allowed sheds on my site and I've managed without one for the last 8/9 years, but I'm not trying to collect water! Most water butts come with a lid so having a covered one is not a problem. I have a water butt which just collects water that falls on it and is surprising how much it collects.
      When you manage to get there for a site visit ask if there is a choice, there may not be. I suppose it might be better to be nearer where the action is but I don't think it need be a deal breaker. Good luck I hope you manage to make a decision. Could you add your location to your profile.


      • #4
        There is absolutely no way you can make a reasoned decision without going to check the plot out. Nothing wrong with being on a hill even better if the slope is south facing. Some of the folks with flooded plots recently wouldn't have been flooded if on a slope. You can put a shed on at some point in the future. It isn't an essential. Don't turnthe plot down without checking that you don't get punted to the back of the waiting list.

        As for cultivating, I'll say the say the same thing I say to every new plotter, get the whole plot dug asap and stick in a crop of tatties.


        • #5
          Presumably you put your name on the list!!!!!!On our site with 135 waiting you would not get a second chance.

          Good luck with your decision's great to have an allotment!

          Loving my allotment!


          • #6
            Before you make any decision to need to go visit and see what they are offering you .....
            S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
            a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

            You can't beat a bit of garden porn


            • #7
              Go have a butchers at it. Imagine what you want to do with it. Could you see yoursel digging holes, sowing seeds, trundling around with a wheelbarrow?

              Stand there for a good ten minutes, or longer, and let the plot speak to you. If it want you, as much as you want it; you'll soon know.
              Horticultural Hobbit




              • #8
                We didn't have a shed for the first 6 months, we got a box to hide our tools in. We did put the tools in a box in the ground and cover the box over. But then the box flooded. I barely needed to water in the last year, so don't be put off by that, just set up some water collection devices and you should be fine.

                Have a look what other facilities they have such as loos, shops, communal storage. Do they get deliveries of woodchip, manure or compost. Covering the weeds seems a good idea, I'm currently covering my new plot with cardboard! Also have a serious think about the time you have available, as an allotment is a big commitment, especially in the begining.
       making a house a home and a garden home grown.


                • #9
                  A compost bin made from pallets could easily be adapted to have a roof cover, gutter leading to a IBC (Available for �20 round here) giving you 1000L of water storage.

                  If you're waiting for a perfect allotment then it might never happen. Grab it and see where it takes you.
                  Last edited by alldigging; 13-01-2013, 11:09 PM.


                  • #10
                    Thanks you for the advice.

                    In terms of the waiting list I've only been on it for 5 months, hence I'm thinking it may be this site has lots of plots not been used or the plots may not be up to much. I'm hoping someone can show me round the site, but there isn't that offer in the letter so will ring the council to see. I thought i'd be waiting years for a plot.

                    In terms of facilities it doesn't really have any - but that's the same for most sites where I am.


                    • #11
                      Is it close to your home? That will probably be more use to you than anything else. If you can get out there more often cos it's closer.


                      • #12
                        Might be a good idea to post a few photos and people on here can advise you as to how much work it would be to get it up and running. I'd jump at it. If you're not in you can't win You can always return if it's not for you.


                        • #13
                          Our site doesn't have any facilities whatsoever, but we all manage If you get a water butt or two, you can turn the lids upside down which forms a basin shape, and they'll collect some water that way.

                          A slope isn't a bad thing with the amount of rain we've had for the last couple of years I'd say yes, and then if it turns out to be a nightmare plot, you can ask to swap - like changing jobs, it's easier to get one if you already have one, in my experience.


                          • #14
                            Its fairly close to my house, less than a mile, walkable in 20-30 mins, 5 mins in the car. I've plans to visit 3 times a week after work, and saturday and sunday, plus help from parents, brother and friends, so time wise i think i can make it work. I am short on equipment so hoping the council will strim it if it is a little overgrown (so far they haven't been very helpful), Apparently i can just wander on the site to view it so i may see if its open early morning, otherwise because of the dark nights i might not make it till the weekend. I think i will try and make it work.


                            • #15
                              Do you know which plot you've been offered - or is there a choice?


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