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eek! Offered new allotment in Barnsley - not sure whether to accept!!!


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  • #61
    Hi, sounds like you're doing well and your plot doesn't look bad at all. My plot was grass and weeds and I still managed to get stuff from it and last year was one of the worse for growing for ages. I put my rhubarb in the front bed, next to some asparagus. If you can put some manure down first. I think they are shade tolerant, and hardy, so can't go too wrong with them.

    I think the other allotment people are just trying to be friendly, but yeah does sound a bit discouraging! making a house a home and a garden home grown.


    • #62
      Hi glad to see that you are gradually working your way through the weeds I have got an allotment in Cudworth which is just outside Barnsley had it for 8 years and it was covered in brambles and weeds but I dug it bit by bit and with help I have put a lot of raised beds in cos thats what works for me I put a greenhouse up 2 years ago which helps a lot I sow tomato and cucumber seeds at home and take down to lottie when the weather is warm enough for them to go in the greenhouse, well I will stop rambling on and hope you get on ok and and most of all enjoy it


      • #63
        upto 6 covered areas now.. Saw no one working down on the site today, just one chap came up to collect some eggs.. can't believe they were put off by a few flurries of snow!


        • #64
          Glad to hear you are getting on pretty well with your site
          Quanti canicula ille in fenestra ?


          • #65
            The one thing I have found is that most old timers i.e established plot holders seem to relish in telling us newbies how hard it will be and how many bomb shelters we will have to dig out the soil and yet when as you say there's a little snow they disappear Keep going don't feel you have to utilize all the plot in one go keep it small as you are doing and once you have a few spuds in a bed etc then pic off the next area to clear that's what I am doing because I am in it for the the long haul I want to keep it enjoyable why have two jobs you detest is what I say.....

            The thing about my allotment is there are only 3 plot holders the rest of the allotment is a comunal growing area whatever that means and if all the plots where individually being worked there would only be 9 plots. I was going to get a small shed 6ft by 6ft for my plot as I have a concreted area 18ft by 9ft however the people running the comunal growing area have asked me to get a 12ft by 6ft shed and they are paying half I will still have 6ft by 6ft left to put my greenhouse that I am going to build on the side of it. RESULT!!!
            Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

            Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!



            • #66
              communal growing to me means too many cooks spoil the broth... the schemes around here lost funding as it was a project which attracted government funding in these parts... however, there isn't really a need if we have empty plots the council can't fill...


              • #67
                I went to the meeting for the local community garden and it was interesting listening to them after listening to everyone one here.

                My blog:

                Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

                One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

                Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Feral007 View Post
                  I went to the meeting for the local community garden and it was interesting listening to them after listening to everyone one here.
                  In what way was it interesting???

                  Think your right there Kirsty far to many cooks as long as their eventual demise does not effect the allotment....
                  Last edited by mrgrower; 25-02-2013, 08:51 PM.
                  Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

                  Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!



                  • #69
                    I'm upto digging over 11 small beds now, going to dig up the biggest bramble on my plot this week as its feelers seem to go at least 6 feet before anchoring.. then its time to double dig each bed ready for my tatties!

                    Also looks like someone has taken on the plot next door but 1 to mine, so just one unruly plot between mine and theirs to deal with.... hopefully someone will take it on!


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