Mine now look really very ugly:
How are you planting your tatties........-imageuploadedbygrow-your-own-forum1370014263.427988.jpg
How are you planting your tatties........-imageuploadedbygrow-your-own-forum1370014276.696323.jpg
How are you planting your tatties........-imageuploadedbygrow-your-own-forum1370014263.427988.jpg
How are you planting your tatties........-imageuploadedbygrow-your-own-forum1370014276.696323.jpg

Getting back to the original question: Late, very very late !
My tatties have been chitting away on windowsills until I am sick of the sight of them, and I am sure it is mutual. They are almost as old and wrinkly as me.
The night-time temperatures near the village have only just started to rise above frost-danger level within the last week; we had snow last Wednesday. So the first four tatties that I planted further up Deeside a month or so ago, I hear have done nothing; as the ground had snow upon it within hours, I rather thought that might be.
My second bed, planted within Aberdeen so at a much warmer altitude, has four Sarpo Kilfi and two Red Duke Of York. The bed is two boards high, six feet long by three wide, and started off empty; I stuck in a couple of inches of almost-rotted compost from a builder's bag, made holes, added Mycorrhizal whatsit (very important that

Tomorrow - at long last !!! - I will plant the majority of my spuds. Osprey, RDOY, Sarpo Axona, Mira, Blue Danube, and Kilfi, with a few Anons and a couple of Estimas I think, plus two lonely Edzell Blues. It's not my ground and I have been made an offer I can't refuse - that of a tractor plough to help remove dockens - so it looks like I will perforce be planting into a trench. I actually want to plant into a layer of leaf mould - I have two builder's bags worth for just that purpose - because the water retentive properties of that I think were what gave me enormous tatties last year, and I am expecting a scorcher of a summer this year; needless to say, the leaf mould is a couple of miles away, and I of course have no vehicle.
