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what to do now???


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  • what to do now???

    hi, I have been growing veg for the last 2 years mostly in pots and containers. I have just recently moved into my first house and found a site what I thought was perfect for my veggie plot.

    the plot is about 10ft square with 2 small apple trees also planted in it. last weekend when starting to dig over the soil to prepare the bed for growing I hit an old concrete path about 6-8 inches under the soil ands it's about 3ft wide.

    as the house is only rented I don't want to start having to dig the garden up at my own expense especially when I am just about to buy a new greenhouse (which I also have loads of questions to ask).

    I have thought about buying/building raised bed which can easily be dismantled and moved if I decide to move to a new house, but everything seems so expensive.

    does any one have any ideas of what I can do with my veggie plot?

  • #2
    a lot of crops will happily grow in 6-8" depth soil. Its only the root crops such as potatoes and carrots that need a deeper depth. I am sure someone far more knowledgable than I will be along shortly to expand on what will grow in shallower soil, but for starters most of your salad crops .. lettuce, rocket, radish, spring onions, etc will be quite happy in that. You could use growbags, instead of paying up for expensive dismatleable beds. You can get wood quite cheaply or free from lumber yards or builders (off cuts and such) or go skip dipping, and make your own beds.

    �If your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.�

    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Charles Churchill : A dog will look up on you; a cat will look down on you; however, a pig will see you eye to eye and know it has found an equal


    • #3
      Hi allyp

      I would plant cabbages, kohlrabi, kale, turnip, courgettes, herbs, radish, chard,salad and onions in this area.

      We made some raised beds from old pallets recently, so you could maybe build the part with the path under it up a bit.
      Quanti canicula ille in fenestra ?


      • #4
        Or your local tyre centre will probably let you take old tyres for free, which can be filled and used to grow carrots, parsnips, spuds etc
        Quanti canicula ille in fenestra ?


        • #5
          scaffolding boards only couple of quid each (if you get them from scaffolders) Easy to sling together and doesnt matter if you move cause you can dismantle them or just leave them


          • #6
            If you are putting in a greenhouse,position it so that the centre path will be over the sunken pathway. You should then have deep enough beds outside and inside the greenhouse to grow you favourite vegetables in. The bed isn't very big to start with so you won't have much room which is why I say choose your favourites.


            • #7
              I have got a separate patch where my greenhouse is going. I might just make sure root veg are planted on the outside of the veg patch. or make it raised in the middle .

              thanks for your help


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