How do you motivate people to come and help on communal tidy days?
Suggestions so far include:
- Give people who come and help benefits such as free use of allotment machinery (1 session earnt per session worked)
- Give people who come and help first dibs on free materials that get dropped at site.
- Give people who come and help something nice to eat for helping. tea, cake, BBQ
- Give people who come and help a discount on plot fees (You could always up everyones plot fees by �20 and expect them to come to 2 sessions a year earning a �10 discount for each one they come to, with max set)
Anything else?
Suggestions so far include:
- Give people who come and help benefits such as free use of allotment machinery (1 session earnt per session worked)
- Give people who come and help first dibs on free materials that get dropped at site.
- Give people who come and help something nice to eat for helping. tea, cake, BBQ
- Give people who come and help a discount on plot fees (You could always up everyones plot fees by �20 and expect them to come to 2 sessions a year earning a �10 discount for each one they come to, with max set)
Anything else?