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Just like a bus


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  • Just like a bus

    Been a long time since I got a bus but the old saying was you wait for ages then two come at once. Well that's what can be said about allotments I was on the allotment this morning and got to an area that must have been the dumping ground because as I tried to dig into the soil I hit obstacle after obstacle.

    I was chatting with the new governors saying I was going to put raised beds on this area due to the issues below the soil. I was surprised when they offered me the vacant plot across from me this was the area that I scavenged most of my stuff from and was aware of the work involved and an issue of drainage so I regretfully declined the offer sighting these issues they then offered me another plot which apart from a few weeds I know that the ground there is clear they stated that they wanted people working the plots so that it can be shown that the area deserves funding the deal clincher was when they agreed that I keep the plot I already have and take this new one on for a grand total of �40 for both patches hand bitten off I'm going to cover the new plot totally until I can give it the time.

    What I will be doing is taking pictures of the new plot and putting them up on here so you guys can work out a plan It should have lots of perennial flowers and various fruit bushes but the planning will be all down to you lot as I feel as a newbie it would be crazy to approach the two plots unprepared.
    Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

    Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!

  • #2
    I suspect the more people you have involved in working the plots the more likely you are to get funding.
    If there's only a few people with several plots each then it'll be at the end of never before you get grants.

    Fruit is always a good idea. You can jam and brew with it. And eat it fresh if you really want.


    • #3
      The funding is there baby I'm just happy to have the extra area as it works out with both plots to a full one for me

      I am thinking lots of fruit bushes and wanting to bring in lots of wild flowers maybe the compost type stuff I could quite easily get stuff planted in this spot easy but I need to really give my first plot the attention it deserves at the moment but bushes will be on the cards for this year.
      Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

      Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!


      • #4
        What funding it is? I like applying for funding too

        That bed with leeks on the photos looks great!
        Last edited by alldigging; 31-03-2013, 04:42 PM.


        • #5
          Why don't you plant up the new plot with everything you want to grow veg-wise this year if it's more or less clear? Then you can be working on properly clearing your first plot without rushing? Can't see the point in just covering it in green manure and ignoring it when it's ready to plant in?!


          • #6
            You may still be able to get fruit bushes from the likes of Wilkinsons. Advice is to get them planted by the end of March.


            • #7
              Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
              Why don't you plant up the new plot with everything you want to grow veg-wise this year if it's more or less clear? Then you can be working on properly clearing your first plot without rushing? Can't see the point in just covering it in green manure and ignoring it when it's ready to plant in?!
              Ditto what Sarz says. Plant your veg in the clear ground. Fruit bushes cope better with rough ground than veggies. Scrounge some fruit bush cuttings from your neighbours and stick them in a corner - by next year you'll have some decent fruit bushes for nowt


              • #8
                The area needs weeding and planning and I don't want to over commit myself at this moment as all my spare time and resources has gone into the first plot as I'm knew to all this I have no idea what I am doing so thought If I got the pictures up of the plot you lot could get your creative juices going and I can then take bits from everyone's expert ideas. For example where to put the fruit bushes where to incorporate the flower beds etc etc.
                Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

                Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!



                • #9
                  Well today I had very strong heated words with the people running the plots / community garden as it appears that this plot is already rented out and they had no right to give it me before going through the idle plot process.

                  Also they have decided where they want to situate the toilet and that was planed for right in front of my plot?? As they cant plumb into a main sewage drain they decided to bury a bin with holes drilled in it which they where to sittuate the toilet on top however they did not consider that when it reaches a certain hight the fluids will then be released into the soil which will then seep to my plot and as far as I am concerned contaminate my plot The woman in charge made some statement that it will be only women peeing in this toilet, Is womens wee supperior to mens and strange that only women will be using it when it was meant to be communal?? So anyway they have been told where to go with that idea ( I could hear them disgussing what they where going to do about the toilet now?

                  On top of that they ripped down some fencing yesterday and dumped it by my plot after moaning to me for leaving a small mound of horse poo on the path because I had to leave to get ready for work as it was breaking a new rule they introduced stating not rubbish to be left on the path.

                  They also dumped a load of weed and bramble infested soil near my plot and dumped their none degradable rubish over the fence Grrrrr. I moved the soil away from my plot and onto some bare land however they had the cheek to then tell me not to do it as they have earmaked this bit of land for a community orchard??? I was fuming and they have been well and truely told in future not to dump their carp near my plot and to take any rubbish of site to the local tip.

                  I have also refused to support the community garden due to their double standards and inconcideration and also told them I am not interested in renting this plot now especially as a community orchard will eventualy affect the light on this plot.

                  Where do these people get off?

                  It's been all go today
                  Last edited by mrgrower; 04-04-2013, 04:55 PM.
                  Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

                  Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mrgrower View Post
                    On top of that they ripped down some fencing yesterday and dumped it by my plot after moaning to me for leaving a small mound of horse poo on the path because I had to leave to get ready for work as it was breaking a new rule they introduced stating not rubbish to be left on the path.

                    They also dumped a load of weed and bramble infested soil near my plot and dumped their none degradable rubish over the fence Grrrrr. I moved the soil away from my plot and onto some bare land however they had the cheek to then tell me not to do it as they have earmaked this bit of land for a community orchard??? I was fuming and they have been well and truely told in future not to dump their carp near my plot and to take any rubbish of site to the local tip.
                    Surely as long as they didn't dump anything ON your plot you have no right to complain.


                    • #11
                      Actually they did dump stuff on my plot too. I have every right to complain if they are doing exactly what they are telling others not to do don't you think?

                      I suppose as long as they are not peeing directly on my veg then I should not be concerned of possible contamination from their knocked together poo pit?

                      Is it ok that they dump stuff on the path right by my plot which blocks access that I then have to move, however I left a little mound of horse poo that I didn't order I left it because I had to get ready for work ( It wasn't left on or near thier plot ) it's appropriate for them to complain.

                      Is it also acceptable that they stole two roles of weed covering that belonged to me I know they took it because the reciept and pacikaging was on their area with what was left of the a role that had been used to cover their beds then had the cheek to tell people that stealing on the plot will not be accepted?

                      Or the fact that they applied presure to one of the other plot holders because they wanted half his plot to sink a pond in and also removed his bins that contained all his netting because they felt the bins where unsightly however due to his poor mobility he needed them where they had been?

                      Or the fact that they complained about me moving their soil that was blocking my access to my plot when they cut down two trees and dumped it all in exactly the same spot and that was on top of moving the wood from a 30ft long rotten fence that they also dumped right by my plot also blocking access After finishing a night shift and taking my wife to work all I wanted to do was spend a few hours sorting my plot However I had to spend over an hour moving all their rubbish. Not to mention them ten dumping their other rubbish over the fence on MY plot.

                      And lets not forget after all of this it was actually they who complained to me when to be honest I should have been the one pulling them over the present they had left not just me but another plot holder who is 78 they left a load of stuf right infront of the entrance to his plot.

                      These are their rules that they are breaking. We break them they pull us.

                      I took on a plot to relax and just do my own thing I don't set out to be involved in their problems.

                      The issues on our plot are not cut and dry Rustylady there is a lot of double standards going on here I actually found out that they had told me something that wasn't actually the full truth on another matter which had I had acted on could have caused issues for the site as a whole. They have a allotment on another sight and I have been informed that they have caused a lot of problems their too however their version of events is totally different.

                      You may not feel I have any right to complain but I am sure you would accept all of this if it was happening on your allotment??
                      Last edited by mrgrower; 04-04-2013, 06:25 PM.
                      Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

                      Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!



                      • #12
                        I think your site sounds very chaotic perhaps with two many people thinking they are in charge.

                        Is there a committee running it or is it two halves with the community garden bit and the allotments not quite being together?

                        You'd mentioned funding. It's very hard to get funding unless you're a registered group - so someone thinks they are a group enough perhaps.

                        You need a meeting with all plot holders, community garden people and someone from the council perhaps.

                        A composting loo if run properly isn't a problem but it doesn't sound like this from what you've said.


                        • #13
                          It all sounds rather horrible - nobody needs hassle. Are you taking photos of these incidents, just in case you need to get support?


                          • #14
                            No commity just two people who run a plot elswhere have been drafted in to get the community garden up and running by the council so and the council guy is usless and not well recieved by others so i've been told as there are only 3 plot holders we are not in a strong possition as you know there should be at least 6 allotmenteers for the council to have to provide land so we don't want to upset the cart as there is no stopping the council handing the whole plot over to the community garden.

                            Don't get me wrong it's not all gloom I think the problem is they have thier ideas because they are tasked with turning the site round and so are welcomed however they are the typical we are the commity type know it all and impose ideas on the whole group they have oversteped boundries by taking not just my items but others without asking as if they seem to think they are ok doing it untill they get pulled.

                            They spouted of these rules then break them to suit yet pull you which is what got my goat more as I believe that if the rules are there then don't be hypicritical then expect harmony when you pull others I was miffed that all this stuff was dumped in such a way that to do anything meant you have to move it then they had the gall to complaine when it was their stuff.

                            The main issues are we have no way of disposing of the rubbish on sight at the moment due to access and ban on fires however we have been told we can have a one of fire and if the neibours complain the council will not take action then from there all rubbish must be taken off site and not dumped. The toilet was not an issue it was where they where putting it that led me to raise the subject to which the woman in charge began raising her voice untill I draw her attention to the fact that there was no need to get load towards me.

                            They are nice enough people but they need to back off and stop ailienating the people who they need the support from,

                            Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

                            Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!



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