Our allotments have had quite a few incidents recently where thieves have broken into sheds and stolen gear so I was wondering what other allotments associations have similar problems and what has been done to combat them.
I've only ever had one item stolen and that was a garden fork, but strangely enough, the missing fork suddenly reappeared about six months after it went missing. I guess someone just borrowed it and forgot to return it. I never bother locking my shed so anything is easy to take anyway, and in fact until this winter I didn't even have a shed to keep stuff in and I just left the tools outside.
The fact is, the thieves aren't interested in general garden tools. They want stuff like hammers and screwdrivers and generators and rotorvators. Its ironic that at our annual meeting last Saturday, the secretary said thieves had been about and he suggested that good tools shouldn't be kept on the lotties, then he brought some stuff to his allotment for just the one night and it was gone in the morning. He should have heeded his own warning.
I doubt that the associations coffers can afford to erect a CCTV camera or two, but I was wondering if anyone had had any success by just advertising the fact that CCTV cams are in the area to call the thieves bluff. I could suggest that a dummy camera is fitted somewhere just to make the thieves think twice.
For my money though, people have got to stop keeping valuable items on the allotments. If the thieves keep finding that there's nothing there to pinch, they won't go to the bother of breaking into sheds etc anymore. Thats my theory anyway.
I've only ever had one item stolen and that was a garden fork, but strangely enough, the missing fork suddenly reappeared about six months after it went missing. I guess someone just borrowed it and forgot to return it. I never bother locking my shed so anything is easy to take anyway, and in fact until this winter I didn't even have a shed to keep stuff in and I just left the tools outside.
The fact is, the thieves aren't interested in general garden tools. They want stuff like hammers and screwdrivers and generators and rotorvators. Its ironic that at our annual meeting last Saturday, the secretary said thieves had been about and he suggested that good tools shouldn't be kept on the lotties, then he brought some stuff to his allotment for just the one night and it was gone in the morning. He should have heeded his own warning.
I doubt that the associations coffers can afford to erect a CCTV camera or two, but I was wondering if anyone had had any success by just advertising the fact that CCTV cams are in the area to call the thieves bluff. I could suggest that a dummy camera is fitted somewhere just to make the thieves think twice.
For my money though, people have got to stop keeping valuable items on the allotments. If the thieves keep finding that there's nothing there to pinch, they won't go to the bother of breaking into sheds etc anymore. Thats my theory anyway.