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How much time does an allotment need?


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  • #16
    I love it not live it dam spell check


    • #17
      Based on the fact that I always seem to have things to do no matter how long I seem to spend I would say slightly longer than the time you have.

      Having said that that's there is always something you can do is what I enjoy.


      • #18
        I'm on the allotment from the time I finish work Thursday morning through too Sunday I can average 6 to 8 hours a day. I have been popping over in the week at the moment when I get up just to check as I have just discovered on top of Couch Grass and Mares Tail I also have Bindweed too so I am there hoeing and picking.
        Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

        Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!


        • #19
          I have bindweed will it ever die off If I keep picking it ? I can't dig it up as its in a mature strawberry bed


          • #20
            My allotment is about 300 square yards & think during the "growing" season I spend about two to three hours a day there.
            That includes weeding / watering & cutting the grass paths.
            In winter I spend on average about three hours a week there to keep the weeds down & keep the plot in generally good order.
            The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
            Brian Clough


            • #21
              As a minimum I would say 4 hours per week. I spend probably around 15 hours per week on mine and try to make excuses to stay longer. This time does not include watering either am or pm I hasten to add.
              I hear a lot of comments from other allotmenteers at our site claiming that their plot is planted up and finished! Wow, has anybody on here ever considered their plot to be finished???
              There is always something that needs doing and I take much pride in how mine looks as well as performs. I am one of those that would live at the plot if I could
              Follow me on Twitter


              • #22
                I now have 2 5 rod plots next to each other.the first one I've had for 5 years ,the second was uncultivated for over 15 years before I invaded last september.after spending a week clearing its now planted with spuds/squashes through a thick cardboard mulch but i'm now spending about 8 hrs a week watering,weeding and mowing all the paths.I think its all pretty well controlled apart from the ruddy horsetail.I put in canes for the bindweed and when it's growing well spot treat with glyposate.doesn't touch the horsetail though.
                don't be afraid to innovate and try new things
                remember.........only the dead fish go with the flow

                Another certified member of the Nutters club


                • #23
                  What a fab idea I'm of to get cains thanks


                  • #24
                    I have got 2 x 5 rod plots and I would say an hour a day in the week and a few hours on sat or sun covers the minimum of what I need to get done. There is a lot more I'd like to do but time is precious and id probably spend 2 hours a day up there if I could.
                    My new Blog.



                    • #25
                      This time of year I pop over every evening after work, water the greenhouse and any other bits that need it and then set a timer for 20mins or so and do whatever else needs doing. Usually that's a patch of weeding or some thinning out. Yesterday it was digging out a bean trench and tonight it was tying in a couple of tomatoes. So during the week it gets about 2.5-3hrs attention.

                      At the weekends I try to put in a good few hours if I can, especially in the spring when there's lots to do. Obviously that has to be worked around family life and there's generally much less to do in the winter months.

                      There've been years when we've struggled to keep on top if things but you do what you can.


                      • #26
                        Fitted my new shed out with a sink and worktop, got the camping gas ring and kettle, table and chairs.

                        Have told SWMBO that I need to get to the allotments, as I have so much to do.

                        Ah it's so peaceful, sit back relax with a nice cup of tea.

                        Have to put in a lot of hours though
                        I am certain that the day my boat comes in, I'll be at the airport.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Stacey Steve View Post
                          Fitted my new shed out with a sink and worktop, got the camping gas ring and kettle, table and chairs.
                          I'm planning to have tea making facilities in my shed when I get one.
                          And yes I do live closest to the plot, but those times when you're covered in mud and just want a quick brew before finishing up... it'll be excellent.


                          • #28
                            So, it's just taken me two whole weekends (until 5pm each day) to get back on top of the weeds that came with the brief spell of warm sunshine we had in early June.

                            It's due to rain this week, so that will bring another flush of weeds. The plots either side of me are full of seeding weeds, so it's a never-ending battle with other people's weeds. I'm allowed to control mine, but not theirs, and they aren't doing it.
                            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                            • #29
                              Yes TS, that does get annoying. I'm surrounded on 2 sides by weedy plots and a hedge/trees/nettles on a third. One of those plots is well tended but not the 'back edge' of it adjacent to my plot, the other is full of seeding weeds but he seems to be doing just enough not to be dealt with. Worse in that they're where the prevailing wind comes from


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