I've just been watching Monty Don on Gardeners World and he was making Comfrey and Nettle fertilisers. I already make Comfrey tea.
When we took over the allotment a few years ago I dug out loads of nettles but still get the odd nettle plant coming up.
Could these be transplanted into a nettle patch and if I did this how far would the patch spread?
I would like a patch of say 3 metres by half a metre on the border with my annoying neighbours (with the uncontrolled children). They wouldn't spread into their plot because they have got weed fabric down. But I wouldn't want them to spread too far into my plot. I presume if I chopped the tops off for fertiliser it would stop them seeding so really I just want to know how far the roots would spread underground.
When we took over the allotment a few years ago I dug out loads of nettles but still get the odd nettle plant coming up.
Could these be transplanted into a nettle patch and if I did this how far would the patch spread?
I would like a patch of say 3 metres by half a metre on the border with my annoying neighbours (with the uncontrolled children). They wouldn't spread into their plot because they have got weed fabric down. But I wouldn't want them to spread too far into my plot. I presume if I chopped the tops off for fertiliser it would stop them seeding so really I just want to know how far the roots would spread underground.