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How much to remove hardcore from a plot?


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  • How much to remove hardcore from a plot?

    Hi, I am on the waiting list for an allotment (have been for a while but I doubt anyone on here isn't aware of the joys of the waiting list) and from the looks of it it will be atleast another 5 years until I get to the top of the list. The council have just written to me today to let me know that they have 2 plots (1 full size and 1 half plot) that are in a very bad way and from the sounds of them the previous tenants probably got kicked out due to not looking after the plots. They have both been used for pigeons. The half sized plot is totally covered in hardcore and the full sized plot is about a third covered with the stuff and debris around the rest of the plot. The council have said they'd waive the rent for 2 years and give the new tenant those 2 years to get it back into a usable state. My question is does anyone know roughly how much this would cost? I thought this was probably the best place to ask. I'd love to get my allotment quicker and don't mind putting in work to get it up to scratch but have limited funds so if it will cost hundreds then it's just not an option. Any advice would be great. Thanks in advance.


  • #2
    If you got someone in to do it, I have no doubt it'll run into the hundreds, due to the labour + disposal costs.

    I'd take the full size plot personally. If you could use the hardstanding (fancy keeping poultry?) then good stuff - or how about a shed, seating area and some pots (you'd need to keep up the watering of them though).. The other two thirds you could slowly clear and plant up. Most plots are covered in rubbish when taken on, it's shocking they get to such a bad state.

    Two years is a decent amount of time, and you'll know if you want to keep on at it during that time - just don't go mad and outlay a load of money and then end up wasting it due to not wanting to keep at it!

    Any bit of land to grow in is a bonus - if you take it on, divide the plot up and do sections at a time - plant up and then move onto the next section. Pop down and have a look then decide - or take some photos and post back on if you were after further advice.


    • #3
      As Chris said really.

      Would just like to add that you might be able to get rid of at least some of the rubble by advertising it on Freecycle - some people might want it for driveway foundations etc.


      • #4
        Hi Lara and Frey - welcome to the Vine.

        I am in agreement with the others here - take the full plot but take your time in clearing it.

        Do one section at a time, and I wouldn't necessarily get rid of the hardcore and rubble - you could use it do border your beds with in a similiar way that farmers used stones found in the fields to build dry stone walls around them. (but on a much smaller scale of course).

        Invest in some decent thickness of weed fabric and cover everywhere that you aren't able to work on immediately and give it a try.

        Whatever you do, dont get someone else in to clear it for you, you have two years so take it slow and steady and you will probably discover some hidden gems in amongst the debris - there could be raspberries, asparagus, rhubarb and all other kinds of nice surprises.

        If you decide it is too much for you, all you have lost is a bit of time and effort - and make sure that the council doesn't put you to the back of the list again if you decide it is too much for you after all.

        Just think of it as time spent learning how to have an allotment whilst being still on the waiting list.

        Just my two-penn'orth.

        Andy Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


        • #5
          Welcome to the vine Lara. Firstly, could you manage a full plot? I know I couldn't due to work constraints, I only have a half plot which is plenty big enough for me. With regards to the hardcore/rubble, could it be used as borders as already suggested or paths between your beds, even build a pond . Don't pay to have it removed, move it to an area while you are preparing beds. I think 2 years rent free is very generous. Take your time & enjoy.
          sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
          Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
          Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
          KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bigmallly View Post
            Welcome to the vine Lara. Firstly, could you manage a full plot? I know I couldn't due to work constraints, I only have a half plot which is plenty big enough for me. With regards to the hardcore/rubble, could it be used as borders as already suggested or paths between your beds, even build a pond . Don't pay to have it removed, move it to an area while you are preparing beds. I think 2 years rent free is very generous. Take your time & enjoy.
            I know what you mean, BM, a half plot is enough for me in terms of time spent/yield too. Here, though, the advantage of the full plot is that as it is 1/3 hardcore, Lara's only getting just over 1/2 plot at the mo, and she can keep it that way, or reclaim the hardcore section as and when she needs it. The 1/2 plot is all hardcore so she can't grow much at all until that's cleared.


            • #7
              Hello Lara and Frey and welcome.
              I'd go with the full plot too and use the hardcore part for a shed, greenhouse, compost, storage, seating area, somewhere to park your car etc.
              However, if it were me, I'd want to see them both asap. "Covered in hardcore" means different things to different people


              • #8
                Hello Lara and Frey, and welcome to the vine.

                I'm with the majority and would also go with the full plot and take time to clear it systematically. With part of it already down to hardcore, it would save you the job of laying such down for your shed, etc.


                • #9
                  Hello Lara and Frey,firstly welcome,summing up whats already been said,
                  have a look,get the measurements of the plots,and some pics of the hardcore,that way we can give better advice,but on no account pay to have it removed,you could also ask the council if they will provide a skip for you to put it in,you need to see what your dealing with,it could be anything from whole bricks,chunks of concrete,or rough chopped,also vary from 1 layer of bricks to a good few inch deep,the larger one sounds a better option,if the council are saying it has to go,and won't let you recycle it into other projects,needs to be thought about,also is it cermented together or loose laid,another thing to ask is,if you take to full plot,can you put any hardcore you not want,onto the half plot,then others can use it for paths ext,depends how strict they are now,
                  sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                  • #10
                    Thanks everyone for your advice. I don't know why I saw the hardcore as just a major problem that had to go. Nowhere does it say that the hardcore has to be removed. I am currently a full time mum to nature loving almost 4 year old so he would be happy to help with any little tasks I asked him to do while I got on with the more major stuff. May even be able to get friends and family to chip in. We will have plenty time to go and do a bit at a time. A sunny day like today and with a picnic and a few bits to keep the little man entertained should he get bored helping I could probably spend a whole day at a time. I like the idea of using hardcore for a shed. Also the poultry idea. We have just got 3 hens who live in our back garden and as most people who keep hens will tell you it is addictive. They're such characters and the allotment is about a 5 minute walk from our house so keeping animals wouldn't be a hassle with daily trips to tend to them. I'll get in touch with the council and see if I can go and have a look. If it's Tarmac and it's in lots of areas dotted around the site then that wouldn't be as appealing as if it was all just in one area. If it's bricks or something that would be easy to shrink over time to whatever size I want. Very overgrown and needs a fence putting up in one area but don't mind that (I hardly expected to get one that has veg ready to harvest and new fencing even if I'd waited years lol although that would be nice). Hopefully it will be suitable. Would definitely go for the full plot.


                    • #11
                      Lots of good advice above. If the plot/s really are the mess they sound they might be, do you have a car? It's hard work but you can fill rubble sacks with pretty much anything and take them to the local tip (usually free but you might only be able to dump so many bags at a time). If you have two years grace you could clear and plant/cultivate on quite a steady level. Definitely worth a look at what's on offer
                      I was feeling part of the scenery
                      I walked right out of the machinery
                      My heart going boom boom boom
                      "Hey" he said "Grab your things
                      I've come to take you home."


                      • #12
                        If you are thinking of having chickens I would definitely go for the larger plot. Another you can do with a large plot is to turn part it over for fruit.

                        You should also check with the council if you are allowed chickens.


                        • #13
                          The hard standing would make an ideal play area for your kids too (sandpits, maybe a seesaw etc!) depending on their ages.


                          • #14
                            As most have said before, go for the whole plot and work it at a steady pace. Take your time with it and work out what you could use the hardcore for before getting rid. Most of all enjoy it, don't make it into a chore or you will soon get fed up
                            The Masons...AKA...Layla & Mark.

                            Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.......


                            • #15
                              First things first, you need to see them. There are all sorts of questions you need answers to.

                              How far away from the entrance/car park is it. (this can be an awkward trek carrying pots seedlings etc)
                              How far away is the water source if there is one (access to water is the biggest single issue on a plot)
                              What surrounds your plot (hedge, wall, open field etc, how much light will you get, do you have any shade)
                              How big is it, and realistically how much time can you commit to it.

                              It took me about 3 weeks solid to clear my first 1/2 plot and to get it ready to plant in, I now spend roughly an hour a day on there morning and night weeding, watering, feeding, planting, pest alert!!.
                              Its not something to take on lightly or to glamourise especially if there is a lot of hard graft to be done.

                              You could also be cheeky and ask if by taking on this plot and getting it back to a half decent plot whether you can be bumped up the list for a better plot when the next one becomes available. Worth the question.
                              Last edited by Mikey; 16-07-2013, 02:30 PM.
                              I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


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