I recently got an allotment which was an old horse field so all the plots are new and certainly not established!! I have dug some area and have veg growing before tackling the rest of the plot (it's 9.5 rods!).
I just struggle to keep on top of the couch grass, thistles and dock leaves (tho these not so much!) - any advice at all on keeping on top of them? Just got back from a week's holiday and it's gone mad (as had the huge cucumber I picked!!
Thanks in advance
I recently got an allotment which was an old horse field so all the plots are new and certainly not established!! I have dug some area and have veg growing before tackling the rest of the plot (it's 9.5 rods!).
I just struggle to keep on top of the couch grass, thistles and dock leaves (tho these not so much!) - any advice at all on keeping on top of them? Just got back from a week's holiday and it's gone mad (as had the huge cucumber I picked!!

Thanks in advance
