........and downsizing slightly to a differnt one!
The plot I'm thinking about is next to the main gate (making it the first plot to be hit by vandals), is derelict (I like a challenge!) is oddly shaped (triangular beds anyone?) is prone to flooding (nowt that a French drain running along the front of it won't cure) is 1.5 times the size of a single plot (half the price for three quarters of present land area)
Am I mad? I've spent six years rescueing my two present plots from dereliction?

The person who rents the plot has moved to another plot (because of the above mentioned points) but has payed for this plot until April so he could move stuff at his leisure. He has now moved all his stuff methinks and is finished with it.
If i made a small donation to him I could probably start moving my accumulated stuff, greenhouses,sheds and fruit bushes from now until April ready for the new growing season

Why do I want to move? Because a big tree shades one of my plots. It would half my plot rental which is due to increase substantially next year and i need a new challenge!
The plot I'm thinking about is next to the main gate (making it the first plot to be hit by vandals), is derelict (I like a challenge!) is oddly shaped (triangular beds anyone?) is prone to flooding (nowt that a French drain running along the front of it won't cure) is 1.5 times the size of a single plot (half the price for three quarters of present land area)
Am I mad? I've spent six years rescueing my two present plots from dereliction?

The person who rents the plot has moved to another plot (because of the above mentioned points) but has payed for this plot until April so he could move stuff at his leisure. He has now moved all his stuff methinks and is finished with it.
If i made a small donation to him I could probably start moving my accumulated stuff, greenhouses,sheds and fruit bushes from now until April ready for the new growing season

Why do I want to move? Because a big tree shades one of my plots. It would half my plot rental which is due to increase substantially next year and i need a new challenge!
