First afternoon digging went well, my daughter and I managed to clear about 1/4 of the plot and dig over a few strips. It is beautiful soil and we saw some huge worms! Unfortunately it is riddled with horsetail which I imagine won't have been helped by 3 times its apparently been rotavated in the last year. Never mind!
We have 5 bin bags of weeds and roots to dispose of now! Is it just a Case of taking them to the dump? I'm going back tomorrow to try and clear another 1/4 and cover it. 2 for tenner on weed suppressing fabric in The Range. I can't believe how expensive black plastic is
We have 5 bin bags of weeds and roots to dispose of now! Is it just a Case of taking them to the dump? I'm going back tomorrow to try and clear another 1/4 and cover it. 2 for tenner on weed suppressing fabric in The Range. I can't believe how expensive black plastic is
