Since joining the Committee last year I have made a point of speaking to many if not all of the plot holders - sometimes to suggest they put something right rather than reporting it for a letter to be sent - this has always been well received and I remain on good conditions with all of them - on occasion they have mentioned something that needs Committee attention and I have raised the matter at the next monthly Committee meeting.
Last week I received an email from a plot holder listing a number of items he wished to be raised at the next meeting. I forwarded a copy of the points raised to the Secretary to be included in the Agenda in order that the Committee members would have prior notice to enable them to consider before the meeting.
At the meeting I received what can only be described as a vociferous verbal reprimand for not advising the sender to submit the list through directly to the Committee.
Needless to say as there were 3 ladies present I was restrained and refrained from telling the Chairman to ......- well you know the format.
I am pretty certain after I joined the Committee I saw an article on Best Practice for Allotment Committee Members and Representatives which indicated that these had a duty to communicate with members and covey their suggestions/complaints at the meetings.
Does any one have any knowledge or advice on this issue as I have no intention of stopping my normal method of dealing with fellow plot holders and would deem it impolite not to mention a dereliction of the duties I have taken on, to tell them they had to communicate through 'proper channels'
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Last week I received an email from a plot holder listing a number of items he wished to be raised at the next meeting. I forwarded a copy of the points raised to the Secretary to be included in the Agenda in order that the Committee members would have prior notice to enable them to consider before the meeting.
At the meeting I received what can only be described as a vociferous verbal reprimand for not advising the sender to submit the list through directly to the Committee.

Needless to say as there were 3 ladies present I was restrained and refrained from telling the Chairman to ......- well you know the format.
I am pretty certain after I joined the Committee I saw an article on Best Practice for Allotment Committee Members and Representatives which indicated that these had a duty to communicate with members and covey their suggestions/complaints at the meetings.
Does any one have any knowledge or advice on this issue as I have no intention of stopping my normal method of dealing with fellow plot holders and would deem it impolite not to mention a dereliction of the duties I have taken on, to tell them they had to communicate through 'proper channels'
Any help would be greatly appreciated
