Originally posted by Alison
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Hopefully the 'starter plot' will be in good order which will get you off to a flying start - the alternative is to be chucked in at the deep end with a full plot. Great if you are keen and have a bit of help - if there are two of you, or a willing bunch of family and friends or you know you can put in a heap of hours per week - but how demoralising would it be to be a novice on your own to take on an entire plot, which may well be overgrown when you have only enough hours to commit to cope with a smaller area.
Yes, a 250sqm overgrown plot can be turned round by a total beginner with lots of time and hard work - and many grapes to their great credit have done so - but a whole overgrown plot that new plotters make a stab at for a couple of years, then give up just for a new novice to start all over again with the same result is unsatisfactory for all - disillusioned would be plotters, and a perpetually half-worked unproductive full plots.