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Allotments on a budget


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  • #61
    Originally posted by Maddiesaur View Post
    Thanks rustylady!

    Indeed Jake, a while yet for us though. Back down to below 5'c for us in a few days I believe. Though whatever is in the ground at the moment seems to be doing just fine and coming up regardless. I might chance a couple of early things and plant a second lot in early May, just to see/be safe
    Least yours doesn't look like this

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    • #62
      Thank looks awesome! Whats wrong with that

      Half of me is very grateful that I have some defined beds at the bottom etc, but I think in a few years time I'd be grateful for a blank canvas too. I've seen all sorts of lovely shaped beds, differing heights etc..

      What will you be planting this year Jake? Any ideas?


      • #63
        Hmm maybe the quality of the photo doesn't quite show all the weeds and water !! Luckily plot twos a little dryer . I'm pretty much growing everything except potatoes two greenhouses for toms chillies and cucumbers possible out side grow some outdoor variatys of cucumber too , runner beans,green beans, mange tout, peas, parsnips,carrots,swede,turnip,pumpkins, lots of salad (in pots) vertically up shed and at home In The garden summer and winter squash

        This list could go on .....

        Haven't even started to list the fruit lol
        I have a 16x14 foot area that I've named
        "Fruitopia" no prizes for guessing why lots of vertical plating of strawberry a there plus apple pear raspberry and other potted delights

        I've become a thread hopper soz

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        • #64
          Haha I don't mind! (Admin might though )

          I'm hoping I can find a cheapy way of doing some bed prepping at the end of this season and go all out with some more fruits next year as I think I've missed the boat this year for a bumper crop (with nothing planted or planned or anything).

          I think growing lots of fruits and making Jams etc will be a great over-winter money saver and a nice sweet-treat too for those poorer weeks and can't beat a sweet treat on a dull and gloomy winters day.

          I've been looking at all the thread on here regarding what people do with all their extras, how to make the Jams, Chutneys and the like.


          • #65
            I always miss the boat always to busy procrastinating contermplating and working out what I'm going to do then it's July ��!! Still time up get stuff grow for pickles and chutneys though what seeds do you have I'm sure I'll end up with plenty of spares I can send your way

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            • #66
              Good morning Jake. Next to no weeds at all for me! My bed has the grass which you can see in the pics but really, other than a small, young bramble at the top of the plot, nothing else! The people who had it last year apparently spent a LOT of time preparing the beds thoroughly, planted some things and then never went back. I expect I'll have something come up at some point but for now it is totally manageable by just a quick pull out of the ground by hand

              Was -1 overnight here, very brrr! Sun has made an unexpected visit this morning though and so if it continues, I'll pop up to the allotment around lunch time and pull some more of that grass from the strawb bed, sever the new plants from the still-attached runners and maybe move a few of them about to give them plenty of room


              • #67
                ive recently taken on an old overgrown plot, and found rhubarb, raspberry canes, mint and potatoes so you may find many things already on yours. if you find something and you don't know what it is i'm sure somebody would be able to id it here if you put a photo up. Luckily my plot neighbour saw me planting what i thought was rhubarb but was actually dock!! Also, do you have an allotment shop/association? on our site its 80p for a kilo of potatos, if so you may find them even cheaper than the pound shops!


                • #68
                  Plants that grow up like runner beans as they dont take up much space also you can save the bean seeds for next year. Swiss chard only need a couple plants and you can crop again and again. And quick growing stuff generally cheap to buy seeds and quick to grow


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