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giving up before i start ?


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  • giving up before i start ?

    hi all. been to the allotment today,
    a brand new site, with only half taken,
    the council have put in metal water troughs the stop valve has been turned off,
    and the pipe cut from the ballvalve on the trough.
    paving slabs have been put in the trough.
    they have tried to pull up the wooden raised beds I have put in,
    ive have only been there 5 minutes, and have to put up with this shite,
    I have today put in my garlic as it was becoming root bound in the pots,
    if this vandalism carry's on Im done with it,
    I see some one else had his netting ripped down.
    im glad that a planned poly tunnel I was going to put up has not materialised.
    no point in having that ripped apart.
    I think I can presume the council and the police wont be interested.
    what I cant work out is why the scumbags didn't turn the water back on and flood the place.
    Ive only had the allotment since November,
    I think its a losing battle,

  • #2
    It's a difficult one Sam. It's quite common on allotment sites & understand it can put you off all together. Hopefully the bags will get bored and move on. Keep in there, don't let the baggers grind you down.
    sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
    Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
    Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
    KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


    • #3
      I'm so sorry Sam - so disheartening. I'm sure the Council will be interested, since its a new site and they will have spent a lot of money on putting in the water troughs etc. They, and the Police, need to know what has happened. Make sure that it is reported. - and don't give up.


      • #4
        Best wishes for some form of resolution Sam. Horror stories like this make me really glad I just grow what I can in my own backyard


        • #5
          Originally posted by AllInContainers View Post
          Best wishes for some form of resolution Sam. Horror stories like this make me really glad I just grow what I can in my own backyard
          Yes I have to say I take my hat off to allotment holders, they have so much to put up with, vandalism, corrupt or nasty officials, bad neighbours and endless rules and regulations, i just have slugs to contend with. I would say the best thing would be to sleep in the shed a few nights but if you catch them what can you do? harm a hair on their nasty little heads and it will be you in court.
          photo album of my garden in my profile


          • #6
            So sorry about this Sam, do report it to Police and Council, cos if you don't, well they can't do anything.

            We've had sheds broken into, not recently tho, and on our adjoining site the 'taps' on the water pipes were stolen, and people's hens were let out, so foxes got them, but it has all settled down, so hope it will on your site.

            I'd like to install bee hives, maybe that would act as a deterrent, and lots of nettles and brambles.

            Hope it gets sorted.


            • #7
              You could maybe tied them up in the shed, or leave them in the water trough all night!


              • #8
                You need to report every incident else nothing ever will get done. Cant they put security fencing upnto deter the little darlings
                S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                • #9
                  Sorry to read your post Sam
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • #10
                    So sorry to read about the b@@@@@@s, it must be so disheartening. Don't give up though

                    Sent from my iPad using Grow Your Own Forum
                    Nannys make memories


                    • #11
                      Report everything to the police and the council.
                      Speak to the crime prevention officer (Or whatever they're called these days)

                      Speak to local councillors about security improvements.

                      Push the council to get the site fully let. More people on means more eyes and ears.


                      • #12
                        Sorry to hear of the vandalism on your allotment, Sam. Report them and I think it's all the better if others on the site report as well.
                        Keep going, please.
                        My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)




                        • #13
                          Can't add much Sam, except to offer my sympathies too...Don't give up too soon though; it's possible that they will get fed up and move on elsewhere to cause damage, and that things will settle down...
                          I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                          ...utterly nutterly


                          • #14
                            Poor you Must be a worry wondering what's going to happen next
                            You may say I'm a dreamer... But I'm not the only one...

                            I'm an official nutter - an official 'cropper' of a nutter! I am sooooo pleased to be a cropper! Hurrah!


                            • #15
                              Agree with what others have said, get it reported and don't give up. We've had the odd bit of nonsense but it doesn't tend to continue. You might get the odd disturbance, but you just tidy it up and carry on. I'd only consider giving up if it's pretty much constant, which I think is unlikely as kids get bored and move on to something else.


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