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giving up before i start ?


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  • #16
    Originally posted by Bill HH View Post
    Yes I have to say I take my hat off to allotment holders, they have so much to put up with, vandalism, corrupt or nasty officials, bad neighbours and endless rules and regulations, i just have slugs to contend with. I would say the best thing would be to sleep in the shed a few nights but if you catch them what can you do? harm a hair on their nasty little heads and it will be you in court.

    Some of what you say is true but these problems can be sorted out and in our case I expect all the nonsense to disappear after the AGM in May - you probably have our slugs as everyone on our allotment tends to collect them and chuck them into gardens on the way home just to let the gardeners know what it feels like

    However it is not all one sided - we have a beautiful site where you fell completely at ease on a nice sunny day and it feels good to be alive - the vast majority of people are fine, many of them make good friends and you can always spend a pleasant hour or two chatting with your neighbours or playing quoits or chess to while away the time and perhaps even share a beer or two.
    Last edited by Sheneval; 03-03-2014, 04:57 PM.
    Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

    Nutter by Nature


    • #17
      well as I have not spent much, I put me onions in today,
      I think this happened last week or two, when the scrouts were on half term.
      let me catch them, ill give them the Saudi Arabian treatment,
      cut there hands off.


      • #18
        Originally posted by sam 51 View Post
        well as I have not spent much, I put me onions in today,
        I think this happened last week or two, when the scrouts were on half term.
        let me catch them, ill give them the Saudi Arabian treatment,
        cut there hands off.
        So did you report the damage to the Council and the police Sam?


        • #19
          Originally posted by Sheneval View Post

          Some of what you say is true but these problems can be sorted out and in our case I expect all the nonsense to disappear after the AGM in May - you probably have our slugs as everyone on our allotment tends to collect them and chuck them into gardens on the way home just to let the gardeners know what it feels like

          However it is not all one sided - we have a beautiful site where you fell completely at ease on a nice sunny day and it feels good to be alive - the vast majority of people are fine, many of them make good friends and you can always spend a pleasant hour or two chatting with your neighbours or playing quoits or chess to while away the time and perhaps even share a beer or two.
          I have to admit I love chatting and in my garden here I am pretty alone, the odd walker will lean on the wall and chat, one day it was the Krankies (The Tiny woman dressed like a school boy and the man) They asked me if i would do their garden for em!! haha Bill Harborne gardener to the stars.
          The upside of being on your own is you get on with the work.
          photo album of my garden in my profile


          • #20
            Hope you've reported it as I'll bet the police will have a good idea whose little d@rlings are roaming around getting into all sorts of trouble! Not that they can do anything with them, except keep an eye on them, especially around next half term. It does half spoil the fun if you can't do much because the police are always looking out for you, tho.

            It would be a shame to give up just coming into the planting time. I'd be putting brambles and anything else spiky, nettles and all just where they'd find them first!

            My blog:

            Some days it's hardly worth chewing through the restraints!

            One bit of old folklore wisdom says to plant tomatoes when the soil is warm enough to sit on with bare buttocks. In surburban areas, use the back of your wrist. Jackie French

            Member of the Eastern Branch of the Darn Under Nutter's Club


            • #21
              well two other guys have a fair bit of damage done,
              its been reported, the council are supposed to be coming down,
              we are not holding our breath, as it is still a bit cold for them to leave there nice warm office at the moment.


              • #22
                Pop to the library if you do not have a printer at home.. but get a sign made up saying "Due to recent vandalism, CCTV is now in operation". Also, if you or someone else from your lotty can, do a walk over for a quick glance in the evening and night. Just the presence of someone checking up on the area will deter the little lovelies. If you or someone you know has a dog, take a few beers up the lotty one night and have a sleep over with the dog. Make sure you leave a light on and maybe even a radio - if they see someone at the allotment, they won't go near it.


                • #23
                  The more it is reported the more it is seen as a problem and chances are the council will put up security fencing if enough of you push seing as you are all paying rent. This is not just an allotment issue it's a council an community issue as well as a vandalism / neighborhood crime issue.

                  Hope it works out.
                  Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

                  Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!



                  • #24

                    I get a few passers by exchanging pleasant words when I'm in the garden but it is not the same although I take on board the difference in time taken when on the allotment - however, I also find that I'm on my own for long spells and that is when the work gets done.
                    Endeavour to have lived, so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry - Puddinghead Wilson's Diary

                    Nutter by Nature


                    • #25
                      As the others are saying, don't give up hope as much as it seems the easiest option. When I first started I had a lot of break-ins and equipment stolen. I now buy only cheap tools from the Asda smart price range etc as it's not really worth spending good money. I've had produce stolen, but all the locks were changed and police / council alerted and good progress is being made.

                      Keep thi chin up.


                      • #26
                        You must report every incidence to the police and encourage the other allotment holders to do the same. If they don't think there's a problem they won't do anything about it.

                        We had / have a similar problem with theft and vandalism. The police were notified every time and started making their presence known with the odd patrol. You'll never eradicate the problem completely (short of 24/7 surveillance) but it certainly deters some people.
                        Proud renter of 4.6 acres of field in Norfolk. Living the dream.

                        Please check out our story in the March 2014 issue of GYO magazine.

                        Follow us on Twitter @FourAcreFarming


                        • #27
                          You aren't in Hitchin are you Sam? I heard about the damage ifit's the new allotments opposite side of the road to the old ones?
                          My new Blog.



                          • #28
                            Feel for the OP we have had and still having similar events on our site. I collected an 8 x 6 greenhouse FOC which was perfect for me. The Father in Law and I went up 2 weeks ago and started putting it together. I was so excited looking forward to getting things growing in earnest for the Spring, only to find after 3 hours that there didn't seem to be as many parts as I'd collected in the first place. Long story short we have someone nicking aluminium and various bits & bobs that ain't nailed down. We've also had a few sheds completely burned to the ground. So disheartening. I ended up having to buy a new polycarbonate GH which was smaller in size as I could not afford an 8 x 6.

                            Happy with my new greenhouse though but gutted that I had to shell out cash when I had a great free one to begin with.


                            • #29
                              Glad to see you are still hanging in there Sam.
                              sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                              Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                              Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                              KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Jamesy_uk View Post
                                You aren't in Hitchin are you Sam? I heard about the damage ifit's the new allotments opposite side of the road to the old ones?
                                yes this is the place in question.
                                I thought there was a waiting list for allotments,
                                seem theres plenty left were I am.
                                if they advertised them, and filled them up.
                                more people around, less chance of the brain dead getting up to know good,.


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