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when wooohoo becomes boooho


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  • when wooohoo becomes boooho

    Got my allotment last year and ever since then I have had a few spats with the site manager who for some reason thinks that manager = dictator.

    I've had issues if I have disagreed with something.

    I have been accused of being a liar which is annoying to say the least when you know who is actually twisting the truth to suit.

    I've been called a thief directly and to other plot holders without a shred of evidence to back the allegations up and I'm fuming over it, especially as the accusations that i'm a thief are being put through other plot holders.

    And I have been threatened recently with termination of tenancy as I dared have an opinion on something. This is an ongoing matter as I have done my homework and discovered that the site manager has no authority on this and after speaking to the councils legal dep they state they would not be looking to terminate my tenancy as personal opinions are not against the law yet.

    I've got a meeting with our association tomorrow ( who are very close to the site manager ) and was told by a contact in the council not to make the meeting personally, but to ask direct questions about is it OK, Acceptable or right for X to say this or that etc.

    Just feel so deflated and demoralized.

    It was supposed to be a way to relax and unwind but it's being turned into something dark and nasty, but after working the plots I have and spending so much time and money on them, I am not going to be forced of my plot.

    I just don't understand what makes people so vindictive and spiteful.

    Anyway, I'm sure you good people don't want to see me moaning about.

    Sorry, but needed to vent ahead of my meeting tomorrow.
    Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

    Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!

  • #2
    Oh no it seems like these conflicts are happening more often, just try and stay calm and keep your cool in the meeting tomorrow. And don't worry about having a moan it will do you some good. Good luck for tomorrow


    • #3
      Sorry to hear this Mr G. Can you take someone along with you, as a witness, perhaps someone who can record/write down what happens. Whatever you do, keep your cool. don't be drawn into an argument or let them get you riled.
      All the best for tomorrow. Come back and tell us what happened please.


      • #4
        Thanks I've kept away as much as possible at the moment only spending an hour here and there making sure I got some stuff planted. Is the first time in a month the site manager has come when i have been there today and would you believe it I get a call from one of the other plot holders who in his words ( stole my number out of the book ) so that he could call me and arrange a chat privately as it would appear that the site manager has stated to him that I have been going to the site and stealing???

        I'm fuming ,and at the meeting tomorrow I will be letting the associations people know that there are two houses at the back who I believe film the allotment to ensure we don't have fires etc. so I will suggest they ask to check their video footage as if it continues that I am accused of theft I will be taking the matter further.
        Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

        Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!


        • #5
          They are coming to my home vegichicken as I asked to have a meeting. My oldest daughter will be here to ensure the meeting is not biased. And as both my daughter and I are union reps we aint going to be pushed around and fobbed off.
          Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

          Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!


          • #6
            A meeting on your home ground gives you the advantage. All the best


            • #7
              That's the idea I just want this silliness stopped.
              Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

              Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!



              • #8
                When Yahooooo becomes Yay for victory.
                Anyone caught in a vicious circle of bullying, harassment and victimization on their plots who feels that there is not much they can do about it please take note.

                After spending my first year on the allotment and fighting against the tide it all came to a head for me last month when as I have explained I had a verbal threat of tenancy termination this was all part of a bullying campaine leveled towards me ( funny enough I don't bully easy and take less time about threats against myself in any form.

                Anyway the first thing I would suggest is

                1. ( Knowing your rights) Knowing your rights helps you take control of a situation where you feel you have no control (With bullies they thrive on perceived power over others.
                2. Discover how you take the first step. In my case I contacted a gent from the council who incidentally was the guy originally in charge of the allotments. He informed me of who can terminate a tenancy and the appeals procedure in our area.
                3. Follow any instructions that will help you support your case. We can feel demoralized, angry, frustrated and feel we want to get our side over all in one because lets face it, we are being attacked and we want to defend ourselves. Don't offer any supportive information unless you are called to an official meeting as It is down to the people or persons making an accusation to show what their case is and more importantly how it violates any rules that would get you kicked off your plot.
                4. Write to the accuser best via email as you want proof of anything said and CC that message and any other correspondence to others who may become involved. In my case I CC'd my letters to the secretary of our allotment association by doing that you make others aware that there is an issue that needs addressing.
                5. HEARSAY DOES NOT COUNT!!! If you have a complaint against another plotholder site manager etc the same rules aply to you as apply to them. (You have to provide evidence that can be verified. Take pictures, film issues, take note of ANY witnesses, As with one side you must prove your case.
                6. Ask for a meeting with the secretary of your allotment association or if you have a landlord / or council are the controllers arrange to meet with whoever can provide support to sort out any issues. (The meeting is for your own personal clarification i.e you ask questions directly to them Why is this happening, why is that happening is it ok for X to do say act in this way or that. Do not make the questions personal i.e. Joe blogs are doing this so I did that. Joe blogs don't like me. You can ask why am I being made to feel victimized.
                7. Associations have strict guidelines on what they can and can't do ask them for their rules If you have no written site rules insist on having them (politely) you don't want to upset potential allies.
                8. If action is being taken against you, you must be kept informed a every stage of the process, failure to do so could be addressed as biasing your own defense.
                9 Many threats of tenancy termination are just that THREATS which have no substance if you can highlight that there is no substance following the procedures initially given chances are you will be left alone.

                In my case I emailed the accuser cc'd that and subsequent emails to the secretary of our association. I asked what grounds there where for the threats? What rules had I broken? Please give substance to your accusation. I received the accusation, but showed that it did not break any allotment or association rules and had not been substanced. I refused to get into further discussions with the accused as anything else after the initial contact had no relevance or bearing on this accusation.

                I asked for a one to one meeting with the secretary and the chairman of our association who were extremely professional and polite where I asked Why am I being threatened with eviction, How have I broken any rules and how this person felt they had the authority to make unsubstantiated threats.

                I did not provide any defensive information as they were unable to give answers that would require me to say well actually.

                They confirmed that My tenancy was NOT under threat and I had done everything I could to rectify the issue.

                I then asked my own questions is it ok for X to do this As erlier I was asked to substanciate with proof of any wrong doing by the other party so I only addressed areas that I could prove directly one was the fact that another plot holder had contacted me and informed me that I was being accussed of theft and the justification for that was because I wasn't on plot when they where I must be guilty???? go figure.

                It is important to mention here that it is essential that you have someone with you who can act as a witness write things down and remain impartial at all times.

                It also became apparent that as we do not have a site committee democratically voted in that we also then have a self imposed site manager irrespective of how that came about, as they had not set up a committee and made a constitution they themselves had no authority as they were not voted in as the continuing site manager.

                Now that is interesting because the allotment association are going to set up a mediation meeting where I know the site manager will not be able to contain their need to show who is boss and manipulate (in my humble opinion). However, I will at this point state that I am happy to support any measures put in place to ensure continued harmony on the site, however, as we do not currently have a democratically elected committee does that in turn mean we do not have a democratically elected site manager ( Which the allotment association guys will have to confirm as they must remain impartial) At this point I will suggest that the nominations be opened up to any other person who may want to take on that role.

                Now I don't want it, but I know at least 3 others who would do a good job and be up for it.

                Anyway, I hope this is of help to others who may be in a similar predicament By the way I also set up a FB page specifically for growers and others involved in allotments etc. So people could share information, get advice and network Ironically, it was me who was first to send out an SOS and that's how I was made savy on what I needed to do in my case.

                Mr G
                Last edited by mrgrower; 15-04-2014, 06:09 PM.
                Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

                Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!



                • #9
                  Hope you're feeling better after the meeting MrGrower. I think you don't just need an elected Manager for your site - you need a site Committee.

                  Actually I doubt very much whether the person you refer is actually a Site Manager - he may be a Site Representative, which is a very different thing.


                  • #10
                    Hi Rustylady we will be putting a commitee together at the same time as Is my understanding and I will put my name forwards for that.

                    As for the site manager role this person was asked to manage the site as it was in a bad way when I took my tenancy they started at the same time as me so I was aware of how this person become the site manager. It was actually the person who asked the site manager to turn the site around who gave me all the support / advice I needed in this matter

                    It was the site managers responsibility to set up a committee which never happened so giving this person over all perceived authority.

                    I am aware that other concerns have been raised over this persons conduct and was told that the information I had supplied had just confirmed the issues they knew about. And as this person is also a committee member with our association, they are concerned that this is giving a poor representation of the association.

                    So one thing I know will be happening is this person is to be asked to attend a separate meeting with respect to conduct issues.

                    This person is getting on a bit and in a small way I feel sorry for them, however a bully is a bully irrespective of age and someone who manipulates and uses the poor old me, I'm really the victim card in my eyes is more dangerous than a bog standard bully as they try to tarnish others character to support their own agenda which is exactly what this person was trying to do to me, and they did not give a damn that I could lose my tenancy, so I'm hoping that others do put their names in the hat for the site manager role.

                    Mr G
                    Last edited by mrgrower; 15-04-2014, 08:46 PM.
                    Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

                    Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!



                    • #11
                      Another reason I make do with my little back garden. I couldnt keep my cool with someone like that and I would find it hard not to escalate the situation. I commend you on your cool and calm approach which as we all know is the better way of dealing with these bullies. Hang them with the very rules they keep quoting at you.
                      photo album of my garden in my profile


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bill HH View Post
                        Another reason I make do with my little back garden. I couldnt keep my cool with someone like that and I would find it hard not to escalate the situation. I commend you on your cool and calm approach which as we all know is the better way of dealing with these bullies. Hang them with the very rules they keep quoting at you.
                        What Bill said!! I rent my space which is very expensive (�5 per year!!). The only rule I have to adhere to is to keep it tidy>
                        Last edited by DannyRam; 16-04-2014, 08:46 AM.


                        • #13
                          Hope peace reigns soon.

                          There should be a patron saint of allotments we could all pray to.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by alldigging View Post
                            Hope peace reigns soon.

                            There should be a patron saint of allotments we could all pray to.
                            Some people already think they are gods
                            Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

                            Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!



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