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  • Polycarbonate

    I'm (very) new to allotment gardening and have just acquired an allotment in winter last year.

    I have two greenhouses one of which is covered in large sheets of polycarbonate some of which is old and in not the best of health.

    I lost 3 panels last winter in some freak winds and no idea where they have gone.

    I've looked around online and noticed it's not the cheapest of stuff yo buy but have found a site which is quoting �7.98 for a sheet 3mm thick and 200cm x 100cm.

    This seems very cheap compared to other online sources so was just wondering if this is probably about right or whether I should be cautious of the quality of this stuff?

    If anyone can advise whereabouts I can pick up this stuff or an alternative it would be much appreciated. X

  • #2
    Welcome Kev, 10 sheets of 4mm 2 ft x 4 ft on the bay for �4 each or 10 for �33.50 (plus delivery though sadly).

    Sorry, can't do a link from the tablet at the mo.


    • #3
      Originally posted by johnjohn View Post
      Welcome Kev, 10 sheets of 4mm 2 ft x 4 ft on the bay for �4 each or 10 for �33.50 (plus delivery though sadly).

      Sorry, can't do a link from the tablet at the mo.
      There you go

      polycarbonate sheets | eBay

      Just tried to follow my own link and for some reason best known to itself whenever I use the tablet it's always different to the pc

      This is a better one:
      Greenhouse 4mm 2ft x 4ft Polycarbonate Sheets 10 Pack | eBay
      Last edited by johnjohn; 26-04-2014, 09:32 AM. Reason: providing better link


      • #4
        Originally posted by Kev IRV View Post
        I lost 3 panels last winter in some freak winds and no idea where they have gone.
        That's the main problem with Polycarbonate. It flexes, particularly when the wind passes over it - it bows to form an aerofoil shape, like an aircraft wing; that then means that the edges are no longer in good contact with the frame, and they pop out. Once one is out the wind can then blow into the greenhouse and that is not good news for the rest of it

        The usual answer to that is to Silicon the panels in, so that they can't move. Makes them a PITA to remove, if you ever have to re-site the greenhouse, but for most folk that isn't something to have to worry about
        K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


        • #5
          Wow! Thanks all! John....I'm going to buy that!

          It's only my second post to this forum and already got loadsa help.

          Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum


          • #6
            Originally posted by Kristen View Post
            That's the main problem with Polycarbonate. It flexes, particularly when the wind passes over it - it bows to form an aerofoil shape, like an aircraft wing; that then means that the edges are no longer in good contact with the frame, and they pop out. Once one is out the wind can then blow into the greenhouse and that is not good news for the rest of it

            The usual answer to that is to Silicon the panels in, so that they can't move. Makes them a PITA to remove, if you ever have to re-site the greenhouse, but for most folk that isn't something to have to worry about
            Definitely agree with Kristen- get a decent external silicone- I did it with cheapo before and it's a false investment. Also consider taping around the frames with a decent waterproof tape.


            • #7
              Welcome to the Vine.

              I get all my sheets on ebay as you can get them cheap as you have seen.

              As JohnJohn said to, you may also consider a few tubes of clear waterproof silicone as I have found this helps to grip it in place stopping it blowing out with loads of glass springs too

              Mr G
              Last edited by mrgrower; 27-04-2014, 10:41 AM.
              Today I will be mainly growing Vegetables.

              Tonight The bloody slugs & snails will eat them!



              • #8
                Will do just that! Thanks again!

                We got on yesterday and stuck on old door on that had Perspex in as a temporary measure...this is hinged on and works a treat as the door can be opened like a window!!! we are going cut the door to size take Perspex out and replace with polycarbonate...and voila we have added a window!

                Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum


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