I'm (very) new to allotment gardening and have just acquired an allotment in winter last year.
I have two greenhouses one of which is covered in large sheets of polycarbonate some of which is old and in not the best of health.
I lost 3 panels last winter in some freak winds and no idea where they have gone.
I've looked around online and noticed it's not the cheapest of stuff yo buy but have found a site which is quoting �7.98 for a sheet 3mm thick and 200cm x 100cm.
This seems very cheap compared to other online sources so was just wondering if this is probably about right or whether I should be cautious of the quality of this stuff?
If anyone can advise whereabouts I can pick up this stuff or an alternative it would be much appreciated. X
I have two greenhouses one of which is covered in large sheets of polycarbonate some of which is old and in not the best of health.
I lost 3 panels last winter in some freak winds and no idea where they have gone.
I've looked around online and noticed it's not the cheapest of stuff yo buy but have found a site which is quoting �7.98 for a sheet 3mm thick and 200cm x 100cm.
This seems very cheap compared to other online sources so was just wondering if this is probably about right or whether I should be cautious of the quality of this stuff?
If anyone can advise whereabouts I can pick up this stuff or an alternative it would be much appreciated. X