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A complete site revamp


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  • A complete site revamp

    Ok, please bear with me on this's a brief outline.

    Our allotments are managed by ourselves, we have an elected committee of Chair, vice chair, treasurer and secretary plus a few committee members. we have an AGM and everything is done above board with the annual publication of finances plus minuted meetings etc. There hasn't been a committee meeting for over 2 years because no one can be bothered.

    However, there are a lot of new plot holders and many feel that the current committee are both out of date and very clicky. Now obviously this is our perogative to vote them off and re-elect new members. A quick example is that the current chairman is about 80 years old and his views reflect that. He has told me the other day that the site has too many women who bring their kids up and do nothing !!!!!!!!!

    So we feel that a new committee should be elected at the next AGM (February). But we need to come with a plan...a vision of what people would like to see in the next year, 5 years and 10 years.

    Ive knocked a few things together and would like to run them past you and see if you would feel comfortable to have this on your plot.

    1 year

    To create a new committee of Chairperson, vice chair, secretary and treasurer plus a committee of a further 6 members consisting of both men and women.

    To increase rents by 50% from �1.50/rod to �2.25/rod (1/2 plots are 10 rod, full plots are 20 rods) in order to set aside funds for projects.

    Look at the rules and contracts and change or amend where necessary

    Install 2 notice boards and keep people updated

    Publish a monthly newsletter (reduce to bi- monthly during winter) and ask people's opinions on what they want to see before going to committee.

    Try to obtain some kind of sponsorship from local business

    Number all plots using proper numbers on posts

    5 year

    To double the size of the carpark and include manure, compost, bark chip bins

    To purchase and install a community shed

    To purchase a rotorvator, strimmer, cultivator and hand tools, plus rat poisons, chemicals, fertilizers for everyone to use

    Install a complete new water system using alcathene pipe and double the amount of outlets

    An annual community event/barbeque in summer for plotholders.

    To do something about the paths which are lethal when wet...maybe add woodchip and generally level them out

    10 year

    Install a compostable toilet (planning permission needed)

    Re fence all plots with new rabbit proof fence, new posts and new gates

    install Secure perimeter fence with height restriction barrier

    So please tear this to offence will be taken and please, add your own suggestions


    Please visit my facebook page for the garden i look after

  • #2
    Quick question Andy who owns the site? This might be important if the incumbent committee have their ear.


    • #3
      How many plots are there? Is it a big site or a modest one? The smaller the site, the harder it is to find a willing committee!


      • #4
        It has about 50, full size plots on...not huge by any stretch of the imagination. There are enough people I've spoken to to easily get people on board

        The site is owned by our town council
        Please visit my facebook page for the garden i look after


        • #5
          I know many wouldn't agree but I wouldn't want to pay more to gain the things you list, am quite happy without those add ons.

          Sent from my iPad using Grow Your Own Forum

          Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

          Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


          • #6
            I think that there hasn't been a commitee meeting except AGM's says a lot and certainly indicates some modernisation is needed. As a vision I think you have come up with a resonable proposal. They key of course is to get peoples agreement. I can seeds why you might want to increase the fees but would suggest phasing the increase in fees. I know you are not talking vast amounts of money but 50% sounds a lot and may put people off. Where as a 10% increase per year for 5 years doesn't feel as bad and people can seeds where their money is going.

            One thing you could do is apply to the lottery for money for a composting toilet, its where they got the funding for the ones One my site.


            • #7
              If its council owned your options are limited as you will not be able to establish an association with proper articals etc. I would call an EGM for the purpose of disolving the current management team and establishing a new one. I think it would also be prudent to establish clear terms of reference and try to get the council involved as you are effectively their tenants.

              Unfortunately different generations have different views on what should or should not happen, be grown or kept on allotments. With this in mind rather than set to many aspirational targets I would focus on the site rules, dignity, nuisance etc


              • #8
                Originally posted by Veggielot View Post
                I think that there hasn't been a commitee meeting except AGM's says a lot and certainly indicates some modernisation is needed.
                Or it might indicate that people don't feel the need for a committee, they're not compulsory for an allotment site.

                Sent from my iPad using Grow Your Own Forum

                Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                • #9
                  True committees are not compulsory and on small sites with few facilities I can see how that could work,. However not sure tbat would not want one on my site, its too big and having an active commitee means we have free manure delivered, have on site toilets and shop and most importantly when the council virtually forced us to go self governing we had it in place to do so.

                  In Andy case they already have a commitee so he has to work with what he's got.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Veggielot View Post
                    True committees are not compulsory and on small sites with few facilities I can see how that could work,. However not sure tbat would not want one on my site, its too big and having an active commitee means we have free manure delivered, have on site toilets and shop and most importantly when the council virtually forced us to go self governing we had it in place to do so.

                    In Andy case they already have a commitee so he has to work with what he's got.
                    Sorry, the point I was trying to make (badly as ever ) was that they don't really have a committee at the moment, only in name as if they don't meet then what's the point? I see no problem with Andy trying to instigate enthusiasm but it might not be the apathy he suspects but a general lack of interest or feeling of need. There are many ways to do things and just because if differs from what one person thinks is right doesn't make it an any less valid approach. From my point of view I have to deal with meetings and formal organisation all day at work, my lottie is my escape from all that to deal simply with the elements and the earth. Pure bliss. Hope that makes more sense.

                    Sent from my iPad using Grow Your Own Forum

                    Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                    Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                    • #11
                      This Thread may be useful


                      • #12
                        You can only dictate a proposed site re vamp if you are an elected Committee member. Get elected to the Committee first.
                        The Committee will be formed of democratically elected individuals whether you like them or not and age is irrelevant.
                        At the AGM you can put forward your proposals under AOB section for all to hear You will be elected to the Committee by a show of hands, or not.
                        The elected Committee won't necessarily act on your proposals but if they do you will be expected to do all the donkey work.The Secretaries position is what you need to apply for.

                        Just out of interest I would agree with some of your proposals but not others.

                        I am presently putting together a lottery bid for a composting toilet, a meeting hut, a Bee Garden, raised disabled beds and a liesure area.
                        You have to work with the democratically elected Committee, whoever they may be, old or young.
                        Sometimes the carrot out performs the stick.
                        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                        Diversify & prosper


                        • #13
                          Thank you so much for all your replies and input.

                          I fully appreciate that many people just want to turn up, grow veg and go home without any input from committees and the like and I fully understand that.

                          I've spoken to probably 20 odd plot holders about the proposals and pretty much all of them were in favour, which is a good start.

                          The committee will be elected as per the rules at an Egm if necessary, or the AGM if time runs out. I will get together with the proposed new members in the months leading up to the AGM/EGM to discuss proposals (bear in mind, these are only my suggestions, others may throw them out, others may add to them...but it's a start to work with)

                          With regards to rent increases, I agree that a phased increase is a good way to go, however, if we need to build up a "reserve pot" it might have to be faster. An increase from �30 pa for a full plot to �45 is not the end of the world, especially after reading the "how much rent do you pay" sticky thread where it would seem that �45-�60 pa seems about normal....IF the facilities are there.

                          Again, keep the suggestions coming.

                          Please visit my facebook page for the garden i look after



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by andy_j View Post
                            With regards to rent increases, I agree that a phased increase is a good way to go, however, if we need to build up a "reserve pot" it might have to be faster. An increase from �30 pa for a full plot to �45 is not the end of the world, especially after reading the "how much rent do you pay" sticky thread where it would seem that �45-�60 pa seems about normal....IF the facilities are there.
                            A jump of 50% may seem a lot in one go but I can see how you would want to build up some cash whilst a 5 year phased rise is possibly too long. A solution may be a 3 year phased increase - �1.75 next year, �2.00 the year after and then finally �2.25.

                            By my calculations that would raise an additional �250 in the first year which could be used to make some small purchases allowing people to see that something has come from their additional payments.

                            In year 2 when you are raising an additional �500, again perhaps spend 50%+ on new items and put the rest into an account for long term purchases, etc.

                            When you look to buy items for the allotment as a whole I would perhaps put together a list of say 3 options that can be purchased and let everyone get a vote. I would have it as 1 vote regardless of whether it's a half or full plot.


                            • #15
                              It's an interesting position to be in. I would talk to the committee members too.

                              I wouldn't write off your committee for not having met outside the AGMs because a)not all sites feel the need to meet frequently if things appear to be going smoothly. And b)if they have had their plots for years, they have a wealth of knowledge & experience that could be used. I'd be very wary of sweeping people away as if they are of no use - that just leads to enormous and unnecessary hurt and a waste of what they know. All the OBs on our place welcome us women in, but they can look a bit dubiously at what/how we are growing-so learning goes both ways!

                              My points on your proposals are:
                              1) Start with the things that the majority of plot-holders want the most - we have free woodchip and pay a small amount to a local stables to get manure delivered regularly.
                              2) Who will maintain and service the tools and how will this be paid for if not done for free? We haven't been able to resolve this on our site, so we are sticking with one communal lawnmower. I'd also be a bit realistic about what kind of tools might go walkabout and the insurance you will need.
                              3) Why do you want business sponsorship? And why would a business want to sponsor what is essentially private vegetable gardening? We have a surplus, but this is collected from our rents.
                              4) Rent rises are hard to negotiate. You might know from reading this site that your rent is a fair bit lower than others, but the people on your site are probably used to paying that, and may well not think that what you want to spend money on is worth it.
                              5) If you've talked to 20 people, you've talked to less than half - I'd try to get around everyone, including the committee members. It's only fair to involve them too.

                              Our site is just over 100 5-rod plots, so about half the size of yours. After 5 years of active self-management we have beehives, a loo (self-funded and essentially a shed on stilts), carparking, BBQs, 2 communal sheds, 2 meadow areas, a woodland bit and are about to start to reclaim land for a communal orchard/more plots (discussion/argument at next AGM ) and sorting out drainage on our paths. We have yearly workparties to make sure we keep on top of site maintenance, and twice yearly inspections. About half the plot-holders are active on the social/workparty side and half just want to be left alone to do their thing. PM me if you want any more info.
                     - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


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