Hi all
At the moment my plot looks like this
My plan is to strim it all down to as ground level as I (my partner) can get it.
Next I'm going to use weed suppressant fabric to mark out where I want my paths/beds to be. This will eventually (when there is a delivery to the site) be covered in wood chip.
Then cover each bed with cardboard weighted down with water filled milk bottles (I currently have everyone I know saving them)
Uncover, dig and edge one bed at a time.
What does everybody think of this plan? I'm sure there's bound be a massive flaw somewhere that someone more experienced than me will see

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At the moment my plot looks like this
My plan is to strim it all down to as ground level as I (my partner) can get it.
Next I'm going to use weed suppressant fabric to mark out where I want my paths/beds to be. This will eventually (when there is a delivery to the site) be covered in wood chip.
Then cover each bed with cardboard weighted down with water filled milk bottles (I currently have everyone I know saving them)
Uncover, dig and edge one bed at a time.
What does everybody think of this plan? I'm sure there's bound be a massive flaw somewhere that someone more experienced than me will see

Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum