Hello! I got my first allotment last week (yay!), a half plot 150sq m, and have started clearing it because it is pretty overgrown, mostly just long grass though. It has some raspberries already on it, which I want to keep and leave where they are, and plant other fruit near them. That bit is also by far the most overgrown part of the plot - grass as tall as me and lots of dock etc. I won't be touching that part of the plot for a while yet though because there are some birds nesting there
However! My mum bought me some pots of soft fruit - autumn raspberries, gooseberry, redcuurents, a loganberry - that really need to go outside soon! I don't have a garden so they are sat on my windowsill, growing into triffids. I can't plant them out where I want them now, but I don't really know what to do with them for the couple of months until the chicks have fledged. Should I leave them in the tiny pots they are in and hope for the best, or pot them up into bigger containers and then plant them out in a few weeks, or wait until they are dormant and then plant them? The main problem I have with leaving them in pots outside is that they're going to get blown all about the plot all the time but if being messed about with too often is going to kill them off then I'll try to find some way of securing the pots. Tie them to the compost bin maybe.
Anyway that was a bit of a long waffley intro. Here's a nice picture of part of my weed farm before I strimmed the middle and built a compost bin
*yes that is a bit of horsetail in the front corner...

However! My mum bought me some pots of soft fruit - autumn raspberries, gooseberry, redcuurents, a loganberry - that really need to go outside soon! I don't have a garden so they are sat on my windowsill, growing into triffids. I can't plant them out where I want them now, but I don't really know what to do with them for the couple of months until the chicks have fledged. Should I leave them in the tiny pots they are in and hope for the best, or pot them up into bigger containers and then plant them out in a few weeks, or wait until they are dormant and then plant them? The main problem I have with leaving them in pots outside is that they're going to get blown all about the plot all the time but if being messed about with too often is going to kill them off then I'll try to find some way of securing the pots. Tie them to the compost bin maybe.
Anyway that was a bit of a long waffley intro. Here's a nice picture of part of my weed farm before I strimmed the middle and built a compost bin
