Hi all
Although I have been lurking on this site and in these threads for some time this is my first post so please be gentle...and please feel free to move me elsewhere if I have posted in the wrong place!
A bit of background
I have a five perch plot on Romney Marsh a fifteen minute drive from home. This was a birthday present to me and this is our fourth season. My husband and I both work full time and knew right from the start that we had to take a sensible approach to make the allotment manageable and enjoyable, an enhancement and not a chore! I did lots of reading around the subject and we listened to advice from those with allotments on the same site.
We hacked down weeds and long grass and strimmed and mowed to get a feel for the space. We decided rather than weed kill and rotavate the whole area we would dig out individual beds to make things more manageable. We have double dug and manured each bed once and now have six individual beds approx 4m x 1m with grass paths in between. We have also dug out an approx 3m x 3m bed intended for fruit (we intended to use our old gazebo frame as a fruit cage.) We have a huge water tank and have set up a drip irrigation system on a timer.
In the past we have grown potatoes, onions, garlic, beans, courgettes, cabbages and broccoli to some success. I love to grow from seed at home and then transplant young plants into the allotment as yet I have not direct sown anything (not sure if that is relevant or not - but I'm purging so in it goes!)
The dilemma...
DH and I are currently going through a massive guilt trip about how little progress we are making just to stay on top of things - let alone the "nice to haves" that are pending. Due to a severe depressive episode I have changed jobs relatively recently and now have to work alternate weekends although I do have one set day off in the week (but don't always have use of the car). This obviously really impacts on our free time and with the best will in the world the unpredictable weather means that whole weekends can be rained off meaning that its a fortnight before we can both get down there again. He has been going down there on his own on the in between weekends (weather permitting) but it seems each time we go it's like starting from scratch with the weeding. We'll have a massive weeding purge, wear ourselves out and next time we go it looks as if we have never been.
It has been suggested that perhaps we should give it up. I literally feel quite depressed at the thought (hence pouring my heart out in this post!) but have to counterbalance that with how disheartening it has felt this season in particular and the enormous guilt trip with each weekend that passes when we don't visit and the dread of what is facing us when we do.
Can any of you wise old sages throw me a lifeline? I have been mooching around on here last night and again since 7 this morning and have already thought about getting rid of my grass paths - but that seems like it's adding yet another job to the list. I feel encouraged when I look back at what I have grown in the past and what is currently in the ground so I feel the situation is retrievable I just don't know where to start. It's going to fall mostly to me now to be the strong one and forge a way forward because it seems DH has had enough.
Sorry this has turned into "War and Peace" - if you are still awake after reading this I would be gratified to hear your advice, suggestions and motivational comments
Although I have been lurking on this site and in these threads for some time this is my first post so please be gentle...and please feel free to move me elsewhere if I have posted in the wrong place!
A bit of background
I have a five perch plot on Romney Marsh a fifteen minute drive from home. This was a birthday present to me and this is our fourth season. My husband and I both work full time and knew right from the start that we had to take a sensible approach to make the allotment manageable and enjoyable, an enhancement and not a chore! I did lots of reading around the subject and we listened to advice from those with allotments on the same site.
We hacked down weeds and long grass and strimmed and mowed to get a feel for the space. We decided rather than weed kill and rotavate the whole area we would dig out individual beds to make things more manageable. We have double dug and manured each bed once and now have six individual beds approx 4m x 1m with grass paths in between. We have also dug out an approx 3m x 3m bed intended for fruit (we intended to use our old gazebo frame as a fruit cage.) We have a huge water tank and have set up a drip irrigation system on a timer.
In the past we have grown potatoes, onions, garlic, beans, courgettes, cabbages and broccoli to some success. I love to grow from seed at home and then transplant young plants into the allotment as yet I have not direct sown anything (not sure if that is relevant or not - but I'm purging so in it goes!)
The dilemma...
DH and I are currently going through a massive guilt trip about how little progress we are making just to stay on top of things - let alone the "nice to haves" that are pending. Due to a severe depressive episode I have changed jobs relatively recently and now have to work alternate weekends although I do have one set day off in the week (but don't always have use of the car). This obviously really impacts on our free time and with the best will in the world the unpredictable weather means that whole weekends can be rained off meaning that its a fortnight before we can both get down there again. He has been going down there on his own on the in between weekends (weather permitting) but it seems each time we go it's like starting from scratch with the weeding. We'll have a massive weeding purge, wear ourselves out and next time we go it looks as if we have never been.
It has been suggested that perhaps we should give it up. I literally feel quite depressed at the thought (hence pouring my heart out in this post!) but have to counterbalance that with how disheartening it has felt this season in particular and the enormous guilt trip with each weekend that passes when we don't visit and the dread of what is facing us when we do.
Can any of you wise old sages throw me a lifeline? I have been mooching around on here last night and again since 7 this morning and have already thought about getting rid of my grass paths - but that seems like it's adding yet another job to the list. I feel encouraged when I look back at what I have grown in the past and what is currently in the ground so I feel the situation is retrievable I just don't know where to start. It's going to fall mostly to me now to be the strong one and forge a way forward because it seems DH has had enough.
Sorry this has turned into "War and Peace" - if you are still awake after reading this I would be gratified to hear your advice, suggestions and motivational comments
