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The plot next door seems to be turning into a creche....?!


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  • #61
    Originally posted by bubblewrap View Post
    Our Lottie site has a childrens play area next to it people bring their kids down,the kid get to pay in safety while parents are "gardening"
    We had a similar thing at ours. The end two allotments near to the main gate were always getting vandalised and no one would rent them. The council made beds with wide paths inbetween for disabled access and a pond. Trips of schoolkids used to visit the area for nature study classes. It was probably hoped this would educate them and teach them respect for the environment.
    Apparently this lasted for about five years but for some reason died a death.
    Someone has taken on these plots now but they are like fort knox with barb wire around perimeter and mesh guards in front of greenhouses to stop kids chucking stones at them.

    Shame really!
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper


    • #62
      Luckily for us the kids are mostly local as are the lottie holders we know who they are and the tend to stay there(in play area)and not on our allotments.
      we have very little trouble(touch wood)
      The play area is well maintaind by our council & the rubbish bins are emptied at least once a week. There are two more "play grounds" within half a mile.
      The area as a whole has few problems with vandalism or graffiti.
      our main problem is "adults"? fly tipping in the allyways between the rows of terraced houses.
      The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
      Brian Clough


      • #63
        Are you sure that there's nothing in the tenancy agreement which could help?

        For example the conditions of tenancy for Bexley plots state that the tenant:

        "not invite, and take all reasonable precautions to prevent, entry on to the allotment site by any member of the public who is not a current tenant on the allotment site or an immediate member of the tenants family living at the registered tenants home address or as authorised by the Council in writing to enter onto the allotment site; "

        Derek - updated 19/08/2007


        • #64
          No, there's nothing useful in the tenancy agreement - it's less than a side of A4 paper, and the only rules that might slightly apply;

          #9. Children must be kept under close parental control at all times.
          #11. Plots shall not be used for any commercial purpose.

          Neither of these rules are really being broken, so technically I've nowt to complain about... It's not their fault I feel horribly uncomfortable next door to hordes of kids, a loud radio and a bunch of 'gossipy' women...
          It reached a peak the other day with 4 adults, 7 toddlers and 2 teenagers on the half plot, and I had to run away.
          And they still haven't done anything about the asbestos stuff bein used as a fence right next to where they park the buggies with sleeping babies in... Doylems.
          On the plus side though, they've cut down the weeds which were throwing their seeds around onto my newly dug beds, so I'm trying to be grateful for small mercies


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