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so what do you do if.....


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  • #16
    liking the sound of fighting fire with fire, being extra nice to her What great entertainment that would be
    "Nothing contrary to one's genius"


    • #17
      Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
      I'd agree with this approach - we have the nastiest old man ever lives opposite us, he talks about you to other neighbour, looking sneeringly down his nose at you whilst doing so so there's no doubt who he's talking about. He rants on about too much traffic, and why should people be allowed to own a car (he has one himself, but hides it in a garage away from his house), and is unnecessarily nasty to kids playing in the lane behind the house. He makes my OH's blood boil.
      However, I've found the best game ever is smiling really happily at him (especially when he's sneering ), complimenting his garden or saying what a lovely day it is, and watching him splutter and turn purple not knowing what to say... I nearly wet myself trying not to laugh the other day, when he was in his 'secret' car and had to wait @ zebra where i was crossing and I'm there waving & smiling, mouthing "New car?" at him...

      Yeah, either take no notice of the grump, or amuse yourself by being really,really nice then walk away before there's any time for a response.
      Good luck
      I have similar situations from my back garden neighbour, I use the same methode like what Yoanbob and SarzWix ( I never have intention in having fight anyway ), I just greated her friendly like nothing ever happened and carry on with my own stuff, sometimes you could notice that they become uneasy with them self. Stay calm and don't let her upset you... and hopefully she realize it and change.

      I grow, I pick, I eat ...


      • #18
        Fighting fire with water: Never heard of it called that. It can be great fun, being extra nice and friendly with pissy people. Either it will wind them up no end (tee hee) or they will warm up a little.


        • #19
          And i thought all allotmenteers were a friendly bunch pffft
          I hope you remember to park your car in the right spot next time, whilst smiling and shouting wont be long, as you water the whole site with a watering can lol. maybe she will go on holiday and ask you to water her produce . But i think the shouting out at high levels, with mp3 on high in the lugholes, GOOD MORNING and not waiting for an answer will wind her up before anything else.
          Good luck
          "He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart"


          • #20

            Fart on her.
            Blogging at.....


            • #21

              Just thought I'd I have my say too! Some people just don't want to mix and the best thing to do is just forget about them and enjoy your plot. You get all sorts of people on allotments. When I started on my plot I was ignored by a lot of people, especially other women, for over a year. It is only when I went to an allotment meeting that I found out why...

              Because everyone assumed that me and my Dad (we share an allotment) were actually husband and wife, so we were ignored because everyone disapproved of our age difference (my Dads 58 I'm 32)!!!

              Glad to say that we get on with most people now the misunderstanding is sorted!



              • #22
                Originally posted by clareg View Post
                Because everyone assumed that me and my Dad (we share an allotment) were actually husband and wife, so we were ignored because everyone disapproved of our age difference (my Dads 58 I'm 32)!!!

                How narrow minded can people be! It amazes me!!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by seasprout View Post
                  Fart on her.

                  I'm a lady, I don't fart lol
                  "Nothing contrary to one's genius"



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by OverWyreGrower View Post
                    How narrow minded can people be! It amazes me!!

                    oh no, that sounds horrible. There are 12 years between me and my partner. He looks young for his age, so no one really notices.

                    Quite sad that there are people that will judge people because of that

                    The plot next to me has been taken by another young woman, and there is another opposite. They are really nice. My mums friend has a plot too, so it's nice to see her, I can go and seek refuge if the dragon, ahem, lady wants to get funny with me

                    The council have made a right mess of the 'roads' so i have got something else to focus any bad energy I get off her on now

                    If I see her I just smile and say hello, had a few grunts back, but I don't think she's impressed, oh well mp3 player it is! lol
                    "Nothing contrary to one's genius"



                    • #25
                      I'm with seasprout - a fart is a great ice breaker. Well mine are!

                      People tend to misjudge me and think I'm quite scary, couldn't be farther from the truth.

                      I get on quite well with my neighbours (when I see them), in fact, I'm sat here chomping on radishes that my neighbour gave me t'other night.

                      Karma is not about retribution, vengeance, punishment or reward; karma simply deals with what is. I'm a great believer in karma.

                      I learnt a long time ago, that you can't get on with everyone, but those that you do, are worth it.
                      A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                      BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

                      Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

                      What would Vedder do?


                      • #26
                        Why not give her a big bag of sweets & tell her it'd make a nice change for her to not be sucking lemons all the time. Then walk away slowly laughing to yourself as you go


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by daineal View Post
                          Why not give her a big bag of sweets & tell her it'd make a nice change for her to not be sucking lemons all the time. Then walk away slowly laughing to yourself as you go

                          nice one If I don't use it on her, I'll save it for someone else!
                          Last edited by chrissie the chippy; 06-07-2007, 07:42 PM. Reason: bad spelling!!!
                          "Nothing contrary to one's genius"



                          • #28
                            What a waste of sweeties.
                            Blogging at.....


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by seasprout View Post
                              What a waste of sweeties.
                              I'd probably eat them before I could

                              My partner knows to either hide them well, or buy ones I don't like
                              "Nothing contrary to one's genius"



                              • #30
                                If they are breaking rules such as blocking the road way with a vehicle as you say then put a complaint into the allotment committee, they will only aloow so many complaints before giving a warning and then throwing them off the plot.
                                Cheers Chris

                                Beware Greeks bearing gifts, or have you already got a wooden horse?... hehe.


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