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so what do you do if.....


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  • #31
    Poor old Chrissie, I know what it's like to have grumps and gossips all around. I have to say that In 9 out of 10 cases I am so polite to them you could freeze the air but sometimes you have to fight your corner. To win in cases like that don't raise your voice never swear wait for them to make a foxes paw then raise your eyebrows shake your head and just turn your back on her! She will never hold her head up again, tried and gurantied to work or your money back! You could always threaten her with the weed! Take care, Jan.
    Derbyshire born Derbyshire bred & I'm not thick int'arm ort'ead!


    • #32
      Aesop had a story for this situation which is as apt today as when he first told it..imo

      "The North Wind and The Sun

      The North Wind boasted of great strength. The Sun argued that there was great power in gentleness.

      "We shall have a contest," said the Sun.

      Far below, a man traveled a winding road. He was wearing a warm winter coat.

      "As a test of strength," said the Sun, "Let us see which of us can take the coat off of that man."

      "It will be quite simple for me to force him to remove his coat," bragged the Wind.

      The Wind blew so hard, the birds clung to the trees. The world was filled with dust and leaves. But the harder the wind blew down the road, the tighter the shivering man clung to his coat.

      Then, the Sun came out from behind a cloud. Sun warmed the air and the frosty ground. The man on the road unbuttoned his coat.

      The sun grew slowly brighter and brighter.

      Soon the man felt so hot, he took off his coat and sat down in a shady spot.

      "How did you do that?" said the Wind.

      "It was easy," said the Sun, "I lit the day. Through gentleness I got my way."


      • #33
        That's a great fable mad - thanks for reminding me of it!
        Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


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