After six months' wait I've finally become the seriously proud tenant of my very first allotment! I first applied in July 2014 but heard nothing. Then read in our local paper, Northumberland Gazette, last week that the council had some vacant plots available at the site just five minutes from where I live! I was straight onto the phone to them but got the answering machine so left a message. No reply so the next day (shy bairns get nowt 'n' all that! ) I called again and this time got a Real Live Human!!! I had a lovely chat with her and emphasized how much I really really REALLY wanted an allotment etc and she said the guy in charge of the site was out that day, Tuesday, but would call me the next day and probably take me up to see the plots available. Well, Wednesday came and went and my phone didn't ring. Nor did it on Thursday so I called them and got that annoying answerphone again! Seriously annoyed at this point because I'm the sort of person who, once they make their mind up about something, want it, like, yesterday.....and it was a beautiful sunny day....just perfect for pottering on the allotment!
So yesterday, Friday 20th February, I decided to give the council until 11.30am to ring me up otherwise I was gonna be back on the phone to them! They must have sensed this because at 11.10am the phone rang and it was Mr B. from the council. He arranged to meet me at the plot at 11.30 so I dragged Neil out of bed (he works night shift) and he came up with me. The plot I've been given used to belong to an older gentleman who has had to give it up as it was too much for him so it HAS been well cared for over the years. It's right next to the path alongside Hulne Park too so an absolute riot of birdsong will surround me as I work.
I was absolutely twitching with excitement as Mr B had told me on the phone that it was one of the best allotments up for rent and had a polytunnel, a greenhouse AND a shed!!!!! I think he had me at polytunnel!!!!! I was just GOBSMACKED when I saw was immaculate!!! Huge polytunnel, small greenhouse, medium-sized shed, four water butts full to the top, a watering can, two composting areas and five beds of incredibly well dug soil that just crumbled in my hands!!! The only thing that needs any work is the paths which are a bit mossy and Neil says that won't take any work to strip off, put liner down and gravel on top to make a path that won't get muddy. I thought it was a full size plot but apparently it's not - it's a half size plot with water so an absolute steal at just �35 per year!!!!! It's certainly got more than enough land for me to grow more than I could ever eat and loads and loads of flowers.
We were given the key there and then and I'll get the paper work to sign posted out to me next week and I'll pay the year's rent on Friday 27th when I get paid.
We had a good look around after Mr B left and Neil took a video and I took the piccies below. We then headed home to get a new padlock for the gate and Neil's tools to break into the shed as we didn't have the key for that. I chucked a few pots, compost, seeds & bulbs into a bag and headed back up with Neil and whilst he broke into our shed I got on with planting my very first seeds - Nasturtiums 'giant climbing mix' Neil soon got the old rusty padlock off and when I had a look inside I thought I had won the lottery for the second time that day - it had a few different types of hoe and other small tools and DOZENS of seed trays and plant pots....more than enough to get me started! It also had five boxes with potatoes in, some of which I think I can salvage to possibly plant out. I've got no idea what variety they are though....does that matter? I noticed Wilkinsons (local shop) had a few on offer. I also had a look along the packs of seeds on Wilkinsons and I'm absolutely blown away by what's on offer...where do I start? It's certainly going to be a steep learning curve for me this coming spring & summer as I've just realised I know NOWT about growing vegetables because I've only ever grown flowers!
I plan to get quite a few flowers going on site too though - especially in this first year. Really excited though about it all though!
I still feel quite dazed at my good luck in getting a well cared for plot like this because I'd been fully prepared to take on just a bare patch full of couch grass and buttercups!!! It's a shame I'm at work this afternoon because it's a beautiful sunny day and I'd rather be mooching about in my polytunnel. Never mind...only at work until 8.30am tomorrow so I can go back along then.
View from the gate looking up the plot

Inside the polytunnel
So yesterday, Friday 20th February, I decided to give the council until 11.30am to ring me up otherwise I was gonna be back on the phone to them! They must have sensed this because at 11.10am the phone rang and it was Mr B. from the council. He arranged to meet me at the plot at 11.30 so I dragged Neil out of bed (he works night shift) and he came up with me. The plot I've been given used to belong to an older gentleman who has had to give it up as it was too much for him so it HAS been well cared for over the years. It's right next to the path alongside Hulne Park too so an absolute riot of birdsong will surround me as I work.
I was absolutely twitching with excitement as Mr B had told me on the phone that it was one of the best allotments up for rent and had a polytunnel, a greenhouse AND a shed!!!!! I think he had me at polytunnel!!!!! I was just GOBSMACKED when I saw was immaculate!!! Huge polytunnel, small greenhouse, medium-sized shed, four water butts full to the top, a watering can, two composting areas and five beds of incredibly well dug soil that just crumbled in my hands!!! The only thing that needs any work is the paths which are a bit mossy and Neil says that won't take any work to strip off, put liner down and gravel on top to make a path that won't get muddy. I thought it was a full size plot but apparently it's not - it's a half size plot with water so an absolute steal at just �35 per year!!!!! It's certainly got more than enough land for me to grow more than I could ever eat and loads and loads of flowers.
We were given the key there and then and I'll get the paper work to sign posted out to me next week and I'll pay the year's rent on Friday 27th when I get paid.
We had a good look around after Mr B left and Neil took a video and I took the piccies below. We then headed home to get a new padlock for the gate and Neil's tools to break into the shed as we didn't have the key for that. I chucked a few pots, compost, seeds & bulbs into a bag and headed back up with Neil and whilst he broke into our shed I got on with planting my very first seeds - Nasturtiums 'giant climbing mix' Neil soon got the old rusty padlock off and when I had a look inside I thought I had won the lottery for the second time that day - it had a few different types of hoe and other small tools and DOZENS of seed trays and plant pots....more than enough to get me started! It also had five boxes with potatoes in, some of which I think I can salvage to possibly plant out. I've got no idea what variety they are though....does that matter? I noticed Wilkinsons (local shop) had a few on offer. I also had a look along the packs of seeds on Wilkinsons and I'm absolutely blown away by what's on offer...where do I start? It's certainly going to be a steep learning curve for me this coming spring & summer as I've just realised I know NOWT about growing vegetables because I've only ever grown flowers!

I still feel quite dazed at my good luck in getting a well cared for plot like this because I'd been fully prepared to take on just a bare patch full of couch grass and buttercups!!! It's a shame I'm at work this afternoon because it's a beautiful sunny day and I'd rather be mooching about in my polytunnel. Never mind...only at work until 8.30am tomorrow so I can go back along then.
View from the gate looking up the plot

Inside the polytunnel
