I have shed near one end of my 10 pole polt, and small patch behind the shed. there were no fence between the opposite plot behid the shed. but both sides out our plotes has fence. I can not make a fence in the same line as the opposite plot holder built a shed crossing the adjucent plots fence line. on top of it he alo put his compost block moveble one further into my side. What shall I do now. shall I make a fence
1. along with the adjucent fence line leaving his shed as it is.
2. along with the back of his shed
3.fence along with his composter and single onion plant further into my plot than to shed?
I guess the decision is not going to effect just two of use but future plot holders of our current plots If I/we have to give up the plot for any reasons.
I do not know how the person reacts If I ask the same question to him, he made a shed recently may be just before I take this plot up. and I do not want to push the shed back anyway. talking to admin team would be good? dont want to show up like too greedy for the space .
want make as much as possible to not end up a naroow patch to put the currents,berry bushes that loves sunny sheltered space, and grape vine in this area so wider the better as much possible.
1. along with the adjucent fence line leaving his shed as it is.
2. along with the back of his shed
3.fence along with his composter and single onion plant further into my plot than to shed?
I guess the decision is not going to effect just two of use but future plot holders of our current plots If I/we have to give up the plot for any reasons.
I do not know how the person reacts If I ask the same question to him, he made a shed recently may be just before I take this plot up. and I do not want to push the shed back anyway. talking to admin team would be good? dont want to show up like too greedy for the space .
want make as much as possible to not end up a naroow patch to put the currents,berry bushes that loves sunny sheltered space, and grape vine in this area so wider the better as much possible.