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Camera to catch a thief


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  • Camera to catch a thief

    I've just had my second set of steel poles holding up the wires on my apple cordons stolen! The first lot (3 of) were just hammered into the ground, but the replacements had been concreted in with a 25kg bag of Postcrete!
    I have my suspicions as to the culprit, but I want to catch them in the act.
    Has anyone else had similar happen to them, and used a webcam type device to catch the thief? I can secrete a camera powered by a car battery in the undergrowth (and there's plenty of that at the moment!), but am unsure as to what type of camera to use. I can download the recordings every day but don't know what sort of setup would best work.
    Any ideas folks?

  • #2
    I have a battery operated wildlife camera in my shed for exactly this reason....folks 'borrowing' stuff. It has a large memory card in it which lasts a few weeks

    Something like these night vision wildlife camera

    Can't remember my exact model at work at the moment, but could check later if you need it
    The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


    • #3
      I also use a trail camera as there is a bloke on our site who likes to help himself to other plot holders produce .
      It will even film in total darkness so think he might be leaving soon.
      When you have a hammer in your hand everything around you starts looking like a nail.


      • #4
        Not got one but after the arson on the hives I looked at getting one.

        Can you stamp your postcode on stuff so it's identifiable as yours so when you know who it is you can send the police round and he can be done for it?


        • #5
          Only if you buy the ones with gps and wifi but if you have someone steeling your produce he will be on camera beleve me it works on motion sensors and records for as long as you set it so once he's walked of your plot it will still record so the evidence of were it is will be on your sd card.
          Last edited by jonny the plant pot; 12-06-2015, 04:01 PM.
          When you have a hammer in your hand everything around you starts looking like a nail.


          • #6
            Anything of value, Alpha Dot it.

            Alpha� Dot - The UK's Number One Security Marking System

            Once I get my plot up and running, anything of value I will leave behind on the plot will be getting a few dabs of Alpha Dot.

            As for cameras, I own both a GoPro and GhostHD camera. Both give superb video quality and can I believe do time lapse, but both cost a fair amount of cash... That said, if you hope to catch someone at it so to speak, from previous experience the Police need really good pictures/footage to ensure, so make sure you get a camera that takes the best pictures you can afford AND potentially lose if someone finds the camera and has away with it. It's a trade off, and often as not leads to disappointment.
            Last edited by Bonsai Si; 12-06-2015, 04:07 PM.
            Life should be more like Bonsai...


            • #7
     I have to ask,

              won't they just steal the camers?

              I hate thieves


              • #8
                Originally posted by muddled View Post
       I have to ask,

                won't they just steal the camera?

                I hate thieves
                Not if you can hide it somehow...

                I'd like something like this, I looked into it last year after some thefts on my plot, but you're looking at at least �100 for anything decent. It needs to be small enough to hide, have motion sensing, and a long battery life.


                • #9

                  Used this guy

                  Can rent out for a minimal fee
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jackarmy View Post
                    Used this guy

                    Can rent out for a minimal fee
                    Isn't that one of the bouncers from the Gardeners Rest that BM knows, works for peanuts?


                    • #11
                      Shhhhhhhhh, need to know basis


                      • #12
                        I use the same wildlife cameras, they are great

                        In the UK I have just given someone there rubbish back...,4 bags of household rubbish tipped over my car at work!, it appeared in the night..... i filmed them with the camera....., so I delivered it back through there open front unit door during the day when they were having a business meeting......

                        He wasnt too happy!, I wonder if they got the contract....

                        I also have one that was twice the price that emails the pictures to me, but leaving that around is a bit expensive to risk
                        Last edited by starloc; 13-06-2015, 09:23 AM.
                        Living off grid and growing my own food in Bulgaria.....


                        • #13
                          eBay item number this is the one on my plot.
                          When you have a hammer in your hand everything around you starts looking like a nail.


                          • #14
                            Thats the same one I have, they work great
                            Living off grid and growing my own food in Bulgaria.....


                            • #15
                              To catch a thief

                              Been looking for a post where someone had trouble with a tealeaf, anyway, heard talk of wildlife cameras being handy so thought whoever it was that posted may see this.

                              Available in lidl next week

                              Our Offers From Thursday 18th June


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