Hi All
I'm new here and started on my half plot in Edinburgh back in March. I have had a reasonably successful time (save a small problem with pigeons and broccoli and cabbages). I have:
3 small (2x1m) beds - 2 with brassicas and 1 with beetroot and celeriac
2 large 4 x 1.5m beds - 1 with potatoes and one with onions, leeks and garlic
I want now to plant some seedlings for autumn harvesting (more broccoli, ruby chard, turnips and swedes). Which of the beds should I transplant them in. Do I treat it as the same season and put the brassicas in where spring / summer brassicas were or do I treat it as a new season and start rotating?
Any advice welcomed. Thanks
I'm new here and started on my half plot in Edinburgh back in March. I have had a reasonably successful time (save a small problem with pigeons and broccoli and cabbages). I have:
3 small (2x1m) beds - 2 with brassicas and 1 with beetroot and celeriac
2 large 4 x 1.5m beds - 1 with potatoes and one with onions, leeks and garlic
I want now to plant some seedlings for autumn harvesting (more broccoli, ruby chard, turnips and swedes). Which of the beds should I transplant them in. Do I treat it as the same season and put the brassicas in where spring / summer brassicas were or do I treat it as a new season and start rotating?

Any advice welcomed. Thanks