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Newbie Gardener looking for some advice.


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  • Newbie Gardener looking for some advice.

    Hello everyone. I have been lurking around here for a little while readimg all the amazing advice and decided today was the day i would register and have a chat.

    After a very hard year(an understatment) i decided i needed to do something to relax. So i started a small vegtable patch in my garden (and got some chickens). Honestly it has been amazing for me. It has given me a focus outside of work and i have found even the hard work very relaxing.

    Anyway, I am a little addicted. So i decided to look into taking on an allotment. I contacted a few local councle office and have been told some are avaialble in the area I work. I have not seen them yet but I have been told both 5 pole and 10 pole plts are available. Part of me wants to take the jump and get the bigger one but I am not sure if i am taking on too mych or being unrealistic in my goals. Apprently some have been left for a while so i am guess in a bit of a mess.

    I enjoy a bit of hard work but for my first allotment am I taking on too much to get a 10 pole site?

  • #2
    Hi Andy and welcome to the Forum. Pull up a chair and make yourself at home

    How much spare time do you have to spend on the plot? You say its near work but is that convenient for home too.
    A lot depends on the condition of the plot too. If you were lucky, you might be offered a 10 pole in good condition or a 5 pole thats overgrown. Who knows until you see them.
    Someone with an allotment who knows what they're talking about will be along soon


    • #3
      Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
      Hi Andy and welcome to the Forum. Pull up a chair and make yourself at home

      How much spare time do you have to spend on the plot? You say its near work but is that convenient for home too.
      A lot depends on the condition of the plot too. If you were lucky, you might be offered a 10 pole in good condition or a 5 pole thats overgrown. Who knows until you see them.
      Someone with an allotment who knows what they're talking about will be along soon
      Hi Veggiechicken

      The allotment is about 5 min walk from work or around 10 min drive from home so not a problem from either really. As a buisness owner i am in work at some point every day aswell so always in the area but i am also very lucky to set my own hours and can
      spare a fair bit of time really and at least some time every day.

      From what I have been told all of the plots are overgrown and have been left for some time. I get the impression they are in a pretty bad way. I am waiting on the site rep to get in contact now to arrange a visit. Hopfully i can get in and see soon.

      Having never worked a site of this size however it does seem a little daunting and while i am very tempted to go bigger i wouldnt want to take on too much but at the same time i dont want to outgrow it too soon.


      • #4
        Hi Andy, welcome to the vine.

        I suggest getting a half plot (i.e. 5 poles). You can grow a surprisingly large amount of stuff in this space and you should be able to get it under control and keep it that way.

        I had a 10 pole plot while working full time and with small kids, I found if I didn't put in a full day's slog on the plot every weekend then it rapidly got away from me, even after I'd got it cleared of perennial weeds.

        It's more enjoyable to have a smaller, well-tended plot than a larger one that you have to constantly battle.

        Other opinions will be here soon...
        My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
        Chrysanthemum notes page here.


        • #5
          Hello Andy & welcome to the vine. Do you have family members helping out or is it just yourself. I had a 5 pole plot & found it was just the right size for myself. A full plot would have been too much for me to keep up to.
          sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
          Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
          Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
          KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


          • #6
            Thank you guys. I guess this may be what i need to hear before i get into the typical male bigger is better ego.

            My wife (and 4 year old) are both very keep to get stuck in and help at the weekend but it will still very much be my domain.

            My aim is to visit on the way/way home from work most days and of course spend some full days in the initial set up. My plan after the inital clear up (which i am sure will need some full days hard work) is to spend shorter periods of time on site but likley every morning. I guess I was planning on a little and often approach.


            • #7
              What you may wish to take into account Andy is what you are allowed in the way of structures. You can easily use up a half plot with Polytunnel, Greenhouse, Shed, Compost Bins, Water Storage etc..............Just an added dimension to think about.
              sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
              Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
              Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
              KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


              • #8
                Hello and welcome to the vine Andy
                Location....East Midlands.


                • #9
                  Welcome from a fellow newbie. I don't have any experience with allotments myself but you're getting loads of good advice here so I wish you well with it
                  LOVE growing food to eat in my little town back garden. Winter update: currently growing overwintering onions, carrots, lettuce, chard, salad leaves, kale, cabbage, radish, beetroot, garlic, broccoli raab, some herbs.


                  • #10
                    Hi and Welcome to the vine

                    When you go to have a look ask them where you stand:-

                    1. If you take a 10 pole is there a time frame and percentage to have it all cultivated.
                    2. If you take a 5 pole can you get another 5 pole at a later date or move to a 10 pole.

                    If they have that many neglected I would not have thought either are an issue and just pick the plot that grabs you

                    The first year is the biggy and you really will have highs and lows. Whilst a 5 pole is more manageable and can produce a lot it is likely you will get addicted and want more - poly tunnel, greenhouse, bigger fruit cages

                    Good Luck with whatever you choose. Keep us updated and don't be scared to ask - I have achieved so much more than I expected this year thanks to grapes and the vine


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bigmallly View Post
                      What you may wish to take into account Andy is what you are allowed in the way of structures. You can easily use up a half plot with Polytunnel, Greenhouse, Shed, Compost Bins, Water Storage etc..............Just an added dimension to think about.
                      I didnt think of that. From what i have seen from the outside lots do have sheds, greenhouses, tunnles and things. I am pretty handy when it comes to building and like to make things from pallets so I guess that could be a factor.

                      Oh Bigmallly. What have you done, i was so sure i had been swayed to a smaler plot, now i am not so sure


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Norfolkgrey View Post
                        Hi and Welcome to the vine

                        When you go to have a look ask them where you stand:-

                        1. If you take a 10 pole is there a time frame and percentage to have it all cultivated.
                        2. If you take a 5 pole can you get another 5 pole at a later date or move to a 10 pole.
                        That makes sense. Do some allotments set a time that it all has to be ready for then? I guess that puts the preasure on. My aim was simply to have it ready in the new year which means i can deal with a bit at a time.

                        I guess the problem with up scalling is that i would have to start from scratch again.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Andy-W View Post
                          That makes sense. Do some allotments set a time that it all has to be ready for then? I guess that puts the preasure on. My aim was simply to have it ready in the new year which means i can deal with a bit at a time.

                          I guess the problem with up scalling is that i would have to start from scratch again.
                          Yes going from a 5 to a 10 is a pain but it depends on the site, they may not let you have two five poles.

                          I think it is quite common to have a rule in your contract for scaled cultivation, for ex. 25% in 3 months, 50% in 6 months then 80% in a year - cultivation doesn't necessarily mean planted. I wouldn't dwell on it, as long as they can see you are doing something and weeds are not causing an issue most people are normally fine.


                          • #14
                            Before you start getting overwhelmed with the thought Andy, go see the site manager, have a chat, I am sure they will advise the best plot to take, it may not be the best looking but may have been productive over the years i.e soil condition, sun aspect...............have a chat & remember it's suppose to be a pleasure not a chore..........good luck & keep us posted with pics if poss.
                            sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                            Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                            Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                            KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                            • #15
                              The site rep has just emailed and i will be getting in and having a look on Tuesday evening. I will keep everyone updated.


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