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Associated Membership


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  • #16
    We pay �5 for an associate member - gives them insurance cover, right to use the allotment stores etc. as well as working the plot. Associate members can't vote (unless on behalf of the plotholder)

    ETA they also get NSALG membership.
    Last edited by frantic furball; 06-01-2016, 04:16 PM. Reason: Missed a bit
    2 sisters
    1 allotment
    0 idea


    • #17
      Originally posted by KevinM67 View Post
      I'm so glad that our association is quite 'laissez faire' when it comes to that sort of thing, as long as you respect other plotholders, don't do anything in the extreme that might cause hassle, and try and keep your site in sort of reasonable order - then you're pretty much left to get on with things.
      Ours is pretty much the same as far as I know - you pay your yearly rent (�35 per year for a half plot with water in my case) and as long as you don't cause trouble to others you're pretty much left alone I think the guys who have the racing pigeons have a sort of club or society but there's nothing for the folk like myself who only grow stuff and don't have livestock.

      To be honest I prefer to be left alone as I regard my allotment as somewhere where I can completely chill out
      If I'm not on the Grapevine I can usually be found here!....


      • #18
        Originally posted by Gillykat View Post
        To be honest I prefer to be left alone as I regard my allotment as somewhere where I can completely chill out
        Yep, that pretty much how I enjoy mine.

        I occasionally take my 7 year old lad up - he really enjoys doing the 'manly' jobs like using the saw, drill, hammer, etc when making things like raised beds, but only in small dozes as he gets bored.
        Similarly with planting or picking things - he loves it but, wants do something different after a while.

        The majority of the time it's my place of solitude - no thinking of work, family or any of life's pressures. I can potter away, whilst listening to my music and have the odd can of beer in peace.

        I occasionally have a natter with the neighbours, however as my time is limited up there, then I try and minimise that (courteously of course). To be honest though, they are a great bunch (Association included), really friendly, always offering you things such as seeds, produce, help and advice.

        For �40 a year for a full plot (and a wee bit extra) it's the best value for money I spend each year.
        .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

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