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  • nets?

    Are there any types of veg that I should be netting?

    A lot of people on the allotments have nets over their veg and I have no idea which ones, if any, I should be protecting with nets?

    I know the birds like the berries Mine aren't at the berrie stage yet though. Aparently my blackberries are some of the best on the site I'm leaving approx 1m by 4/5m for them. Have got to get something to contain them, and then something to stop the birds.......... and maybe the neighbours

    I've seen people contain theirs with the stuff you use for roofing, not the easiest thing to transport though......
    "Nothing contrary to one's genius"

  • #2
    Anything brassica Chrissie, including turnips and swede. I also net red currants, strawberries and gooseberries.

    Blackberries are very prolific so I never bother to net them, there are always plenty to go around.


    • #3
      Thank you

      I've just planted some broccoli, I'm guessing they will need doing then?

      Will normal garden net do? Or should it be quite smaill holes in the netting?

      Probably daft question, but what does the netting stop? (for the brassicas?)

      "Nothing contrary to one's genius"


      • #4
        I was recommended the Wilko pond and crop netting,Chrissie, by Indomitable Fran at the Hill - as the netting is stiff it is quite robust and doesn't drive you bananas like the flimsy pea and bean stuff does, and the holes are small enough that the butterflies won't get though, so is saves your lovely brassicas from caterpillars (sp?) as well as pigeons. The netting is about �3.50 for 2m by 4m .


        • #5
          You need to net brassicas against everything!! Pigeons, cabbage white butterflies, and slugs and snails. Chrissie, will you please add your location (even if it's only the county) to your profile? We've no idea where you are trying to grow your crops.


          • #6
            My winter brassicas (the ones I've managed to make room for so far, at least) are under netting. I'm hoping to keep the pigeons (a real pest round here) and the butterflies off them. It also allows me to put some slug pellets down without fear that the birds will eat the pellets or the poisoned slugs.
            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

   Updated March 9th - Spring


            • #7
              Thank you, i've only got the flimsy bean stuff, will have a look for some

              My partner got me some from work (he works on the building sites) but I think the holes are so small, even the light would have troble getting through!

              I thought I already had my location on, will go and put it on, thank you rustylady Sounds like I need to invest in some slug pellets too! Although I've only seen 1 so far.............
              "Nothing contrary to one's genius"



              • #8
                On my plot, the only things I've found I don't need to net are the courgettes, pumpkins and spuds.

                We seem to have had a pidgeon explosion over the last two years and I think it's probably down to them eating all my stuff!
                Veni, Vidi, Velcro.
                I came, I saw, I stuck around.


                • #9
                  I might have gone a little overboard with protecting my sprouts this year! Rabbit, pigeon, snail, butterfly and slug proof. Let's hope I get some sprouts

                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by pigletwillie View Post
                    Anything brassica Chrissie, including turnips and swede. I also net red currants, strawberries and gooseberries.

                    Blackberries are very prolific so I never bother to net them, there are always plenty to go around.
                    Two days ago my redcurrants were looking lovely."I will pick those on Tuesday when I will have the time",said I .
                    Went to get them this a.m.--not a single one left!! I know where my nets will be going next year!


                    • #11
                      The smaller the holes the better, so long as water can get through you are sorted. I had my sprouts and calabrese covered but they outgrew the wondermesh so had to take it off. Now I'm chasing caterpillars.....

                      An onion can make people cry but there's never been a vegetable that can make people laugh.

                      Will Rogers


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