Well I've been in bother today for having a fire.
Site rep said to me it would be ok as long as the wind was blowing in the right direction.
Well our site is surrounded by houses so whatever the right direction is beyond me.
Anyway was burning the old trees I've had removed and the branches of the other trees I've had trimmed.
Anyway site rep collers me on my way out and complains that the fire shouldn't have gone ahead due to wind direction (towards his house) and I was in the wrong for letting other plot holders bring there rubbish to burn aswell.
How can I stop other folk from burning there stuff maybe should have been a fire warden .
Has anyone else had trouble burning exessive trees off there plot.
Site rep said to me it would be ok as long as the wind was blowing in the right direction.
Well our site is surrounded by houses so whatever the right direction is beyond me.
Anyway was burning the old trees I've had removed and the branches of the other trees I've had trimmed.
Anyway site rep collers me on my way out and complains that the fire shouldn't have gone ahead due to wind direction (towards his house) and I was in the wrong for letting other plot holders bring there rubbish to burn aswell.
How can I stop other folk from burning there stuff maybe should have been a fire warden .
Has anyone else had trouble burning exessive trees off there plot.