Hi all! I�m Jess, I live in South Essex and I�ve just �moved in� to my very own half-plot. I�ve been so lucky in inheriting this one, the previous owner has taken really good care of it and I couldn�t have wished for a better spot. I�m a complete novice when it comes to growing in the ground, all my efforts have been container based for the past few years so I�m really looking forward to getting stuck in.
This forum is amazing and has helped me out lots over the past few years, I thought I�d better get over the shyness and finally say hello. Any tips on where to start are very, very gratefully received. I�m thinking my first job should be to give it a good tidy, get rid of rubbish etc. then to decide where I want to put my beds (I�m hoping to go no dig from the off as there doesn�t seem to be much of a weed issue) also, if anyone has any tips on levelling the ground as it�s quite uneven at the moment, that would be very helpful indeed.
Thanks in advance for all the wise words
This forum is amazing and has helped me out lots over the past few years, I thought I�d better get over the shyness and finally say hello. Any tips on where to start are very, very gratefully received. I�m thinking my first job should be to give it a good tidy, get rid of rubbish etc. then to decide where I want to put my beds (I�m hoping to go no dig from the off as there doesn�t seem to be much of a weed issue) also, if anyone has any tips on levelling the ground as it�s quite uneven at the moment, that would be very helpful indeed.
Thanks in advance for all the wise words
