I'm new to my allotment and this is my first spring... I'm sat here in my shed thinking what am I doing.... Don't get me wrong I've planting my peas and broad beans today which I have grown from dead, my new potatoes, Leeks and onions are already in but I really don't have a clue what I'm doing ... I am the only lady at my allotment and being just 40 I seem to be looked at like I'm mad trying to do it myself but most of the time I'm loving the peace and reward of planting, digging etc I'm actually feeling healthy being out in all weathers but what to do next? I have loads growing at home like cabbage, turnip, cauliflowers and was planning to plant but no one else seems to be? I'm reading books constantly but tonight I feel I bit rubbish? Any advice of what to plant now would really help
