We have allotments across the road from our houses, originally allocated to the houses in the road with the small gardens. Until now, the parish council has leased this land off the district council, but that lease expired last year. I am concerned that we don't have a formal agreement in place with the distric council, and as I have only recently started working my plot, I'm not keen to lose it.
I have been considering trying to set up a formal allotment society, with a view to formalising a lease with the district council.
I am assuming we will need a written constitution / rules, and was wondering if anyone on here would be willing to provide me with a copy of their allotment rules as a guideline.
I have been considering trying to set up a formal allotment society, with a view to formalising a lease with the district council.
I am assuming we will need a written constitution / rules, and was wondering if anyone on here would be willing to provide me with a copy of their allotment rules as a guideline.