Hi guys,
Not sure if this is the best place to post this (so if it's not, I'm sure the admins can replant it in a better location)
But some of you will have followed my trials and tribulations in getting my hands on a plot, which I'very now got. If you're looking for some bedtime reading, you could always check out the thread "Looking for anew Allotment in Inverclyde Scotland" it's a good read... honestly! By the way, the local housing association still haven't gotten back to me regarding the three vacant plots. But that's another story.
I said in my last post that I was thinking of doing a blog on my journey. I'v decided against that. But not to be one of those posters who vanishes off the grid, I thought I'd share the instagram page where I'm sharing my journey.
So if you use instagram (or even if you don't)you can find it over at:
Feel free to check it out! I'very a few flower related questions, but I'll post them on the appropriate thread.
Oh yeah, I'm plot number 24 (hence the title)
Not sure if this is the best place to post this (so if it's not, I'm sure the admins can replant it in a better location)
But some of you will have followed my trials and tribulations in getting my hands on a plot, which I'very now got. If you're looking for some bedtime reading, you could always check out the thread "Looking for anew Allotment in Inverclyde Scotland" it's a good read... honestly! By the way, the local housing association still haven't gotten back to me regarding the three vacant plots. But that's another story.
I said in my last post that I was thinking of doing a blog on my journey. I'v decided against that. But not to be one of those posters who vanishes off the grid, I thought I'd share the instagram page where I'm sharing my journey.
So if you use instagram (or even if you don't)you can find it over at:
Feel free to check it out! I'very a few flower related questions, but I'll post them on the appropriate thread.
Oh yeah, I'm plot number 24 (hence the title)
